Part 1.1

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You sat on the counter cleaning a small droid. You had been a slave on Tatooine your whole life. You stopped for a moment as someone walked in. Then, Watto came up behind you and slammed his hand on the counter, yelling at you in his language.

"I'm scrubbing alright. Calm your little blue wings!" You yelled back at him.

The Toydarian junk dealer sighed and flew off. You rolled your eyes at him, but smiled when you saw a small figure walk in.

"Hey Ani." You said.

"Hi y/n." He responded.

He climbed up and sat next to you on the counter. You were both about the same age and were best friends.
The two of you talked and worked for hours. No one came in and it got boring. Then, two people walked in with a droid. Watto went immediately up to them and started talking with them. You and Anakin walked over to them.
"Hello there little ones." The man said.

You smiled and your attention was drawn to the R2 unit. The man smiled,

"What is your name?" He asked you.

"I'm y/n y/l/n" you answered.

"Well, y/n. You may go play with R2D2." Your face lit up and you ran over to the droid.
As you were observing the blue and white droid you could hear Anakin speaking.

"Are you an angel?" He asked the girl standing next to the man.

"What?" She asked with a laugh.

"An angel. I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Lego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe." Ani explained.

The girl looked at Anakin and smiled, "You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?" She asked.

"We listen to the traders and starpilots that come by here." He explained, "I'm a pilot you know. One day I'm gonna fly us off of this planet." He added.

"Who's we?" The girl asked.

You stood up and walked over.

"This is y/n." Ani said.

"I'm Padme." The girl answered. "So, you're a pilot?" Padme asked turning to Anakin.

"All my life." He answered.

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Since I was very little, three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardulla the hutt but she lost us betting on a podrace."

You smiled at him, "And then you met me." Anakin smiled.

"You're...slaves?" Padme asked.

You both looked up at her.

"We are people! We have names." Anakin said.

"I'm sorry...I just still don't fully understand this place." She admitted.

"That's okay." You said.
You looked over to see the weirdest looking creature you'd ever seen. He looked around and hit the nose of a droid. It came to life and was bouncing around.

"Hey..." Ani yelled.

"Wha?" The creature looked confused.

"Hit the nose." You said.

"Oh." He tapped the nose and it stopped.

"We're leaving. Jar Jar?" The man said.

The creature was lying on the ground underneath parts. You were picking them all back up.

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