Part 7.12

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Rey climbed the corrider and turned the corner. Finn was right there and Rey lifted her pistol about to shoot but then realized that it was Finn.

"Are you alright?" Han asked her.

"Yeah." She said still trying to catch her breath from being startled.

"Good." Han said.

"What happened? -- did he hurt you?" Finn asked.

"Finn. What are you doing here?" Rey asked.

"We came back for you." Finn answered.

Rey is speechless and Chewie groans. Rey looks at him and then to Finn.

"What'd he say?" Finn asked.

"That it was your idea." She said.

Finn smiled awkwardly and then they embraced.

"Thank you." She whispered to him.

"How did you escape?" Finn asked curiously.

"I can't explain it. But you wouldn't believe it." She responded.

Han came over to them, "Escape now. Hug later." He said.

You all followed him out into the cold planet air. You could see the x-wings with the TIE fighters following after them.

"They're in trouble. We can't leave." Han said. Then he turned to you, Finn, and Rey, "My friends got a bag of explosives here. Let's use them." He said.

You followed your uncle inside with the bombs. You just had to wait for Rey to pull out something. When she did, the door opened and you walked in.

"That girl knows her stuff." Han commented.

Han and Chewie divided the charges and talked in a hished tone.

"We'll set the charges at every other column." Han said. Chewie moaned and Han looked around, reconsidering. "You're right, that's a better idea. You take the top. I'll go down below. Detonator. We'll meet back here." Han said. You took the detonator and followed Chewie to the top level.

You grabbed a few bombs from Chewie and stuck them to stuff. You came to get some more but Chewi groaned and told you they were gone. You handed him the detinator and ran down the the lower level. You stopped when you felt something. A dark presence. You came down and saw Kylo Ren walking across a bridge. You gasped and looked for a hiding spot.

"Ben!" You heard someone yell.

You closed your eyes tightly knowing who it was. You turned around and your uncle was walking across the same bridge to the dark figure.

"Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Kylo Ren said.

A door opened above you and Finn and Rey came in. A little bit of precious sunlight beamed in on Han and Kylo.

"Take off that mask. You don't need it." Han said.

Kylo Ren looked at Han, "What do you think you'll see if I do?" He asked.

"The face of my son." Han answered, still moving closer and closer.

After a few moments, Kylo listens. The mask is removed and Han sees his son's face for the first time as a man.

"Your son, is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father. So I destroyed him." Kylo said.

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe, but it's not true. My son is alive." Han responded.

"No. The Supreme Leader is wise." Kylo Ren said.

You watched nervously. You wanted, desperately, to go and help but it felt like something was holding you back. The farthest you could get yourself to was the railing.

"Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you. You know it's true." Han said.

You could see all the hurt that suddenly filled Kylo's face.

"It's too late." He said.

"No, it's not. Leave here with me. Come home." Han pleaded.

Kylo now looked even more emotional. He didn't know what to do. Then again you just couldn't tell.

"I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain." He said through tears. "I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" Kylo asked.

"Yes. Anything." Han said.

Kylo drops his helmet onto the ground making a loud thud. Then, he reaches to his lightsaber and holds it out to his father. Han can't believe that it worked. He grabs hold of the lightsaber as the last bit of sunlight disappears. Darkness suddenly seems to fill Kylo Ren's eyes as he ignites his lightsaber and drives it right through Han's chest and through his back.

"NO!!!" You screamed.

Han lifted his hand and brushed his son's cheek right before he fell over the edge of the bridge. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you watched your uncle fall. Chewi moaned and shot Kylo in the side. You ignited your lightsaber and headed straight for your cousin. He blocked all your blows and you blocked his.

"Why did you do this?!" You asked.

"I had to." Kylo answered.

"He was your father!!!" You yelled.

"Well, maybe if I can get that map, I will be able to kill your father too!" Kylo yelled.

You continued to lash your lightsaber at him but you were both equally matched.

"Ben please. You heard what your father said. Your mother misses you." You told him.

"Nothing matters to me anymore, besides my destiny!" Kylo yelled.

He began to swing at you fiercly which caused you to stumble off balance. He took a swing at you and sliced your leg a bitz You blocked his lightsaber and he pushed you back. You were now leaning over the shaft.

"I was going to kill your father in front of you, but now I think I will rid of you now." He said.

Then, in an instant, Kylo pushed you completely off the edge and you began to plummet downward.

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