Part 7.11

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You came out onto the landing platform following Finn to the Falcon. Poe gave him an encouraging pat on the back. Next it was your turn. Poe looked deep into your e/c eyes and smiled.

"Before we leave each other....again. Promise me one thing." You told him.

"Anything." Poe replied.

"Be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you. Not again." You whispered.

"No problem. But you have to promise me the same thing." He said.

You laughed and blinked away a few tears, "Oh, if I must." You said.

The two of you embraced in a tight hug and then went your seperate ways. You climbed up into the Falcon and sat in the extra chair, in the cockpit. Han, Chewie, and Finn were already there following Han's orders. You started to also. Soon the Falcon was prepared for another daring run.

• • • • •

"How are we getting in?" Finn asked confused.

"Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through." Han explained.

"We're making our approach at lightspeed?!" Finn asked shocked. Chewie, thinking it was a crazy idea as well, howled in agreement.

"Alright Chewie get ready." Han said. Chewie growls, saying that he's ready. "Okay, and now!" Han yelled.

The ship came out of lightspeed to be heading straight towards a forest. The ground was rocky and snowy. The Falcon, now flying 100 feet off the ground was knocking tons of trees over.

"I am pulling up!" Han yelled at Chewie. The Wookie kept groaning at Han and he yelled back at him, "I get any higher they'll see us!"

The Falcon burst through the end of the trees and landed in the snow. It dragged along the ground until it finally stopped, slightly over the cliff and covered in snow.

"That was crazy!" You exclaimed almost like a yell. "But was awesome!"

Han laughed and looked back at you. "You enjoyed that, huh?" He asked. You nodded your head.

"Nothing exciting usually happens in my life so, yeah that was fun!" You exclaimed.

The ramp was let down and you all climbed out into the cold weather of the Starkiller Base.

"You know, they could have chosen a warmer planet to build this on." You told Finn.

"I wasn't the one to decide where it was built." Finn said.

"No duhr!" You said.

You made it to a "hiding spot" and looked at the entrance.

"The flooding tunnels are over that ridge. We'll get in that way." Finn said.

"What was your job when you were based here?" Han asked.

Finn didn't look at Han when he answered, "Sanitation."

Han grabbed Finn and looked at him, "Sanitation? Then how do you know how to disable the shields?" Han asked.

"I don't. I'm just here to get Rey." Finn said.

"People are counting on us. The galaxy is counting on us." Han said.

"Solo, we'll figure it out." Finn seemed to brighten and looked at Han. "We'll use the force!" He exclaimed. You pointed at him and smiled agreeing.

"That's not how the force works!" Han yelled. Chewie begins to moantalk and Han turns around, "Oh really? Your cold?" He asked.

"Come on." Finn said and began to lead you all inside.

When you made it in, you made your way to the elevator. You waited for it to open and finally it did. A stormtrooper stood in the way, "Hey!" He called right before Chewie shot him. You, Han, and Finn peer around the corner.

"The longer we're here, less luck we're going to have. The shields?" Han asked.

"I have an idea about that." Finn said.

You all followed him down some hallways. Finn pointed to a silver dressed stormtrooper and Han nodded. As she walked by, Chewie tackled her and pulled her away.

"Remember me?" Finn asked her.

"FN2187." She responded sternly.

"Not anymore. My name is Finn and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now Phasma. I'm in charge."

Han tapped his shoulder, "Bring it down. Bring it down." He said.

Finn nodded and looked back to Phasma, "Follow me." He said.

• • • • •

"You want me to blast that bucket off your head? Lower the shields!" Finn ordered. Phasma was hitting buttons and then turned to face Finn.

"You're making a big mistake." She said.

"Do it." Finn ordered, still holding the gun to Phasma's helmet. "Solo, if this works we're not gonna have a lot of time to find Rey." He said worriedly.

"Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her." Han said.

The controls in front of Captain Phasma beeped and everyone looked to her. She stood up and turned to the four of you, "You couldn't be so stupid as to think this would be easy! My troops will storm this block and kill you all." She said.

"I disagree." Finn said. Then he turned to Han, "What do we do with her?" He asked.

"You gotta garbage chute? Trash compactor?" He asked eagerly.

Finn smiled ans Phasma looked shocked, "Yeah we do." He said.

Finn led you all to what Han wanted and there she went. Phasma was in the garbage chute. Your uncle was smiling brightly. You looked at him curiously.

"Is this all some kind of payback on them for being in the Death Star's garbage chute?" You asked.

"This isn't just because of me being in there. Remember your parents, your aunt, and Wookie were all down there too." Han said.

You managed a smile as you all continued to walk.

• • • • •

You all took cover and tried to come up with a plan. Finn was explaining his brilliant plan.

"We'll use the charges to blow that blast door. I'll go in and draw fire, but I'm gonna need cover."

"You sure you're up for this?" Han asked him.

"Oh no -- I'll go in and try to find Rey -- The troopers'll be on our trail. We'll have to be ready for that'll lead us-" He stops when he sees Han trying to point to something behind Finn with his chin.

"Why are you doing that? Why are you doing this? I'm trying to come up with a plan." Finn said.

Han tapped Finn's shoulder with his gun and pointed out the window. Finn, reluctantly, turned around and saw someone climbing the wall. It was Rey!

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