Part 4.1

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You sat in your chair picking at your table.  The music played loudly from the stage.  You sat back in your chair, sighed, and crossed your arms. 

"Hey! We don't serve their kind here!" You heard the man behind the counter yell. 

Curious as to who he was talking to, you turned around to see a blonde boy talking to a golden protocol droid.  He turned around and barely caught you looking at him. Embarrassed you turned around and continued to pick the table. 

You were going to leave, when that same boy came crashing into your table.  It knocked your chair over as well.  You stood up and heard a lightsaber ignite and a scream.  An old man had sliced another creatures arm off.  You looked at it disgusted. 
You reached out your hand to help the boy up and he took it. 

"Thanks." He said. 

"Don't mention it." You said.

The old man came over and you gasped,

"I'm sorry I have to go." You said quickly. 

You pretended to leave but you stayed to find out where the two of them were going. 

"This is Chewbacca.  He's first-mate on a ship that might suit our needs." Ben said. 

You peaked around the corner and saw them sit down at a table waiting for someone.  But who?  Then, you saw him.  Han Solo.  You rolled your eyes knowing how hard it would be to get a ride with him. 
They talked for a while and explained things to each other. 
Then, a bunch of guys in bright white armor passed you. 

"Oh no." You said.  You slipped back inside and sat at the booth right behind Han's table. 

"Look's like someone's begining to take an interest in your handiwork." You heard Han say. 

You watched as the two left the table and the Troopers came to his table. 

"Seventeen thousand! Those guys must really be desperate!  This could really save my neck Get back to the ship and get it ready." Han told the Wookie. 

You grabbed Han's arm before he could leave. 

"Well, if it isn't my long lost friend, y/n." He said. 

"Don't call me that Solo." You said. 

"Alright fine, Kenobi." He said. 

"Do you want some extra money?  I'll pay you five thousand if you will let me onboard your ship for the trip." You said. 

Han thought, "Seven thousand." He said. 

"Six thousand." You said.

"Deal." He said.

You smiled, "See you at docking bay 94!" You called back as you left a confused Han behind you.

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