Part 4.3

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You waited at the elevator as patiently as possible.  Finally, it opened and the four of you walked inside. The doors shut and you went down to the detention level. Han was holding Chewie's arm and Luke had your right arm. The doors hissed back open and you were brought in as though you were a prisoner.

"Where are you taking these?" A man asked.

"Prisoner transfer, from Block 1-1-3-8." Luke said.

"I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it." The man said.

A guard started to walk over and as he passed by you elbowed him in the stomach and kicked him back.

"Look out! They're loose!" Han shouted. You slipped your hands out of the binders and force pushed a guard against a security camera. Luke and Chewie shot the rest of the camera's while Han took care of the guards.
Luke ran around to the control board and pulled a dead guard off of it.

"Let's find where this princess of your is." Han said. "Here it is, cell 2187."

Luke nodded and ran down the hall. You followed close behind and stood guard while he got the princess.

You heard Han yelling at you, "We're gonna have company!"

Luke opened the cell and climbed in. There was an explosion coming from behind you. Storm Troopers piled in and Han shot at them. He made his way back to you as Luke and the princess came out.

"Looks like you've cut off our only escape route." Leia said.

Han turned around and looked down at her, "Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, your Highness." Han said but was interrupted by a laser bolt right above his head.

The five of you pressed against the wall staying out of the line of fire.

C3PO! C3PO are there any other ways out of the detention level!" Luke yelled into the comm link. "What's that? I didn't copy." Luke called back in.

3PO told Luke that the main entrance was the only way in or out.

This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" Leia asked Han.

"He's the brains sweetheart!" Han yelled pointing at Luke.

Luke just sighed and kept firing at the troops. Leia grabbed his gun and shot at the garbage chute.

"What are you doing?" Han asked.

"Somebody has to save our skins." Leia said.

She crossed the hall and looked at Han.

"Into the garbage chute, fly boy!"  She yelled.

She disappeared into the tunnel. You went next and landed in a pile of garbage.

"Ugh! It stinks!" You exclaimed.

"It's garbage! What did you expect?" Leia asked.

You rolled your eyes and stood up. You climbed out of the way as Chewie came down. Next was Luke. Lastly, Han.

"Oh, the garbage chute was a really wonderful idea. What a wonderful smell you discovered. Let's get out of here....get out of the way!" He yelled to the Wookie. He raised his blaster and prepared to shoot.

"No wait!" Luke yelled.

Too late. The laser bolt bounced off the door and around the walls.  Everyone ducked just in time.

"Would you forget it I already tried that!" Luke yelled.

"Put that thing away before you get us all killed!" Leia screamed.

"Yes, your worshipfulness. Look I had everything under control until you led us down here!" Han yelled.

Leia, for once, stopped yelling, "It could be worse." She said.

There was then, a loud creaking and a moan.

"It's worse." Han said.

"There's something alive in here." Luke said.

"Besides us?" You asked. Luke looked at you and you smiled at him.

"It's just your imagination kid." Han said.

"Something just moved past my leg!" Luke exclaimed.

Then, there was a worm looking tail in the gross water.

"Look at that! Did you see it?" Luke asked.

You saw it and your eyes grew wide.

"What?" Han yelled.

The next thing that happened, Luke was pulled under by a tentacle.

"No! Luke!" You screamed.

You reached for his hand but just barely missed it. Han pushed the water around tryjng to find him. Then, he came back up, but was wrapped in its tentacle.

"Luke!" You called.

"Shoot it!" Luke struggled to say.

"Where?" Han asked.

"Anywhere!" Luke yelled.

He toppled over and was pulled back under.

"Luke!" Leia called.

Han splashed through the water but then stopped. A few big bubbles came to the surface and then they were gone. Everyone stood in silence. Then, there was a loud noise, and Luke popped up out of the water.

"Grab him!" Leia screamed. "What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know. It just let go of me and disappeared." Luke said and then coughed up some water.

There was another creaking sound and then the walls started to come closer.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Han said.

You looked around frantically.

"Don't just stand there, try and brace it waith something." Leia ordered.

Chewie was pushing as hard as he could againt the walls but it did nothing. Luke grabbed his comm and started yelling to 3PO. And Leia and Han were trying to stop the walls with a metal pole. You sighed and moved yourself to the middle of the garbage chute. You shut your eyes and began to focus. The walls slowly creaked to a stop.
Everyone looked around trying to figure out what had happened. Luke found you using the force to stop them.
This wasn't the type of thing you were used to using the force with. It took a lot from you and it was starting to hurt.

"Y/n! What are you doing?" Luke asked.

"You didn't pay attention. But soon you would need to let go,

"Get 3PO to stop the garbage mashers. Quickly!" You yelled.

Luke started to yell back into the comm. Eventually, the protocol droid answered. You had used up too much energy by now and let go. The walls came close pretty fast. You dropped to your knees and rubbed your temples. Your breathing was heavy and your heart was pounding. Luke told 3PO what to do and then came over to you. He helped you back over to the wall and pushed against it.
Then, right before you were smashed, the walls jerked to a complete stop. You sighed in relief and smiled.

"He did it!" You exclaimed.

Luke smiled too and you all began to laugh and hug. Luke yelled at 3PO to open the door and you all climbed out.

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