Part 2.4

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You were walking towards the palace, but a little unsure as to why. 
Padme and Anakin went into a room to meet with Queen Jamillia.  You were told to wait outside for them.  You sat on a window sill with R2 by your side.  Naboo was so beautiful but you didn't want to be here.  You felt as though something was going to happen.  You brushed the thought off and just stared out the window.  No matter how hard you tried to block the noises around you out, you just couldn't.  You could hear faint yelling coming from inside the room Anakin was in.
They finally came out of the room and you stood up.  R2 followed you and you followed Padme. 

You approached a house after a little bit and Padme turned around, "This is my home!" She exclaimed. 

You smiled relieved to find a place that you could go inside and rest.

You then saw two little girls run out screaming, "Aunt Padme, aunt Padme!"  Padme scooped them up into her arms. 

"Ryoo, Pooja, this is Anakin and y/n."

The two girls looked up at the two of you, "Hi." They said shyly. 

You smiled at them, "Hello.  Nice to meet you." You said. 

They gasped, "R2!"

They ran over to him and hugged him.  He beeped excitedly and you couldn't help but laugh a bit.  You followed Padme inside and were greeted by other people. 

"Anakin, this is my sister Sola." Padme said. 

"Hello Anakin." Sola said. 

"Hello." Anakin responded. 

You bumped into Anakin by accident. 

"Oops.  Sorry Ani." You said. 

"It's alright y/n." Anakin responded. 

"Y/n?  That's a nice name." Sola commented. 

"Thank you.  And you are?" You asked. 

"My name is Sola.  I'm Padme's sister." She answered. 

"Nice to meet you." You said.  Sola smiled at you and sat down. 

You all sat down at the table and began to eat your food.  You weren't paying much attention to the conversation, but you weren't part of it anyway.  You were just there to help Anakin. 
After dinner, Anakin and Padme's father went out to the garden to talk, and Padme went to the kitchen to help her family.  You didn't know what to do, so you decided to sit with Pooja and Ryoo as the played with R2D2.  They spoke to him and he would speak back.  You would laugh at some of the things he said. 

"Are you a real Jedi?" One of them asked you. 

"Do you think I am?" You asked them. 

They thought for a moment and then smiled, "Yes." They said. 

"Good answer." You said. 

The two of them giggled and went back to playing with R2. 
You went with Anakin and Padme to a small lodge on an island.  Anakin and Padme were talking on a balcony.  You were standing on a different balcony not far away from theirs.  You were slightly listening to their conversation.  Then, you heard Ani say something that hit you.  "I don't like sand.  It coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere..." Your mouth dropped open when you heard that.  It felt like you were being beaten hard. You sank to your kneed and covered your mouth with your hands.  Anakin was betraying your friendship and using it with Padme.  Tears started to fall down your face as you thought of this. 
Now you really wished you weren't here.  Somewhere you would enjoy being at.  But you were stuck with Anakin and Padme.

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