Part 4.5

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The ship finally arrived on the planet of Yavin.  The whole crew got out of the ship and Luke helped you walk to the military speeder.  You rode inside on it as well as the droids.  You were brought to have your ankle looked at. Your headache, they wouldn't be able to help since that was caused by your force using.  They carefully unwrapped it and looked at it.  The wound wasn't big but it wasn't small. There was a little bit of dried blood surrounding it, but that would be easy to fix. 
They took something and lightly dabbed it on your ankle.  You winced in pain and did your absolute best not to scream.  They, then, placed a small cold thing over your wound and wrapped it into the bandage.  They finished and let you leave. 
You limped down the hall to where they kept the ships.  You were hoping to catch Luke before he left.  You found Han packing up his stuff. 

"Hey Solo! Has Luke left yet?" You asked. 

"He went that way to his ship." Han said not bothering to look at you. 

"Thanks.  Take care Han." You said. 

He nodded and continued to pack. 
You quickly made your way to Luke's x-wing.  He was just about to climb the ladder when you grabbed his sleeve,

"Wait!" You said. 

He looked down to you and smiled.  He hopped down,

"How's your ankle?" He asked.

"Bandaged.  But I came to say goodbye before you left." You said. 

"Okay?  Are you going to take off with Han or something?" He asked.  You laughed,

"No.  I couldn't." You answered. 

"Why not?" He asked. 

You looked into his blue eyes and grabbed his arms.  You pulled him close until your lips met his for a short moment. 

You pulled away and smiled, "Be careful, okay?" You told him. 

"I will." He climbed the ladder and into the cockpit. 

You walked away with a smile on your face but also worry.

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