Part 3.5

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You, Obi Wan, and Anakin walked to the landing platform. 

"You're going to need me on this one, Master." Anakin said. 

"Oh I agree.  However, it may just turn out to be some wild bantha chase.  Plus I have y/n.  I'll be fine." Obi Wan said. 

Obi Wan started head with you to leave. 

"Master!" Anakin yelled. 

The two of you stopped as Anakin walked to you. 

"Master, I've dissapointed you.  I haven't been very appreciative of your training.  I have been arrogant and I appologize.  I've just been so frustrated with the Council.  Your friendship means everything to me." He said. 

"You are strong an wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you.  I have trained you since you were a small boy.  I have taught you everything I know.  And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.  And you have saved my life more times than I can remember.  But be patient Anakin.  It won't be long before the Council makes you a Jedi Master." Obi Wan said. 

Anakin turned to you, "And y/n. You were right.  Something is wrong but I have to keep this secret.  I'm sorry." He said. 

You pulled him in for a hug.  "It's alright.  I understand." you said. 

You and Obi Wan headed back up the ramp. 

Obi Wan turned around, "Don't worry.  We have enough clones with us to take three systems the size of Utapau.  I think we'll handle this situation.  Even without your help." He called. 

"There's a first time for everything." Anakin said. 

You all laughed and started talking before Anakin watched you and Obi Wan depart. 

"May the force be with you." Anakin said. 

"Goodbye old friend.  May the force be with you." 

You and Obi Wan headed down the ramp to the waiting Republic cruiser.  Obi Wan helped you onboard and you waited for him.  The two of you sat together the whole way to Utapau. 

You and Obi Wan climbed into his ship and took off towards the Utapau landing platform.  The two of you climbed out and were greeted by Tion Medon. 

"Greetings young Jedi.  What brings you to our remote sanctuary?" He asked. 

"Unfortunately the war." Obi Wan said. 

"There is no war here unless you've brought it with you." Tion Medon said. 

"With your kind permission, I should like some fuel, and to use your city as a base while we search nearby systems for General Grievous." 

Tion Medon leaned in close to the two of you, "He is here! We are being held hostage.  They are watching us." He said as quietly as possible. 

"I understand." Obi Wan said. 

"The tenth floor....thousands of battle droids." Tion warned you. 

"Tell your people to take shelter." You told him. 

"If you have warriors, now is the time." Obi Wan added. 

You two started heading back to Obi Wan's Starfighter as Tion Medon leaves the landing platform. R4G9 whistled to Obi Wan. 

"G9. Take the fighter back to the ship.  We are staying here.  Tell Cody we've made contact." 

G9 whistled back and you both crept out.  You and Obi Wan snuck around the planet trying to get to the tenth floor. You heard a strange noise and you both went to investigate.  In the room, you found a bunch of Dragons/Lizards and wranglers around them.  Obi Wan used the force to get one.  You smiled watching him work in his skills.  He helped you onto one whose name was Boga.  He climbed up next and you bounded along toward Grievous. Boga jumped and turned so many times.  At one point, she jumped and you fell off the back.  Obi Wan was farther ahead before he realized you weren't there.  He turned to you but you motioned for him to keep going.  He hessitated before he agreed to leave. 
You stood up and looked around.  There were creatures walking around.  But then, you felt a hand on your shoulder.  You turned around to see about ten battle droids with their guns ready.  You reached to grab your lightsaber only to find out that another droid had found it on the ground and was holding it in his hand.  The droids grabbed your arms and pulled you away.  They took you down hallways and up a few floors before finally you reached their destination for you.  You heard horrible breathing sounds coming from farther inside the room.  Nervously you continued along with the droids.  You were brought before a dark creature.  He turned around and bent down to meet you face to face. 

"Mrs. Kenobi.  How good to see you." He said. 

He grabbed you and pulled you behind him.  He took your saber from the droid and put it in his cloak along with the other four he had.  You were in the grasp of General Grievous until you would be saved.

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