Part 6.8

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No matter what anyone would tell you, you tended not to listen. You quietly followed Luke to the landing platform. You saw an imperial shuttle land and a black figure walked out. Some storm troopers came out and Luke was "captured." You snuck up to the top of the platform and into Vader's shuttle. Not too much later, Luke and his father entered. You were hidden pretty well but you weren't sure if they would be able to feel your presence or not. You were risking so much to do this.

• • • • •

The shuttle landed and Darth Vader and Luke got out. You waited a moment before getting out yourself. You found them and followed closely behind. They got in an elevator and were going to the Emperor. 'Blast!' You thought. How were you supposed to get up there without anyone knowing? You looked around until you found a different way up.
You got to the Emperor's throne room unseen. You hid yourself so they wouldn't find you. The emperor was talking to Luke.

"Oh no, my young Jedi. It is you who are mistaken about a great many things." The Emperor said.

"His lightsaber." Vader said handing his Master Luke's weapon.

"Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon. Much like your father's. By now you must know that your father can never be turned from the dark side. So will it be with you." The Emperor said.

"You're wrong. Soon I'll be dead, and you with me." Luke said. 'Did he forget his promise?' You thought. No. He wouldn't. He planned to do this and is going to stick with it. But that were going to die too.

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