Part 3.2

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A couple hours later, all of the Jedi sat in their seat in the Jedi council.  The doors opened and Anakin walked in.  He stood in the middle of the room surrounded by the Jedi. 

Mace was the first to speak, "Anakin Skywalker, we have approved your appointment to the council as the Chancellor's personal representative. Y/n is appointed to the Council as well."

You weren't expecting this at all.  Your mouth dropped open and you smiled. 

"Allow this appointment lightly, the Council does not.  Disturbing this move is by Chancellor Palpatine." Yoda said. 

"I understand." Anakin said. 

"You are on this council but we do not grant you two the title of master." Mace added.

You nodded in understanding but Anakin reacted in anger. 

"What? How can you do this? This is outrageous, it's unfair...I'm more powerful than any of you.  How can you be on the council and not be a master?" Anakin spoke.

You rubbed your forehead and sighed. 

"Take a seat Young Skywalker." Mace said. 

"Forgive me Master." Anakin walked to his seat and sat down.  Ki Adi-Mundi began to speak of the reports about General Grievous.  He had escaped to the Outer Rim. 

"It may take some time...we do not have many ships to spare." Obi Wan said. 

"We cannot take ships from the front line." Mace put in. 

"And yet it would be fatal for us to allow the droid armies to regroup." You said. 

"Master Kenobi, our spies contact you must, and then wait." Yoda said. 

"What about the droid attack on the Wookies?" You asked. 

"It is critical we send an attack group there immediately!" Mace said. 

"He's right.  That is a system we cannot afford to lose.  It's the main navigation route for the southwestern quadrant."  Obi Wan said. 

Anakin finally spoke up again, "I know that system well.  It would take us less time to deive the droids of that planet." He said. 

"Skywalker, your mission is here, with the Chancellor, and Kenobi must find General Grevious." Mace said.  

"Go, I will.  Good relations with the Wookies, I have." Yoda said. 

"It is settled then.  Yoda will take a battalion of cloned to reinforce the Wookies on Kashyyyk.  May the force be with us all." Mace said dismissing the meeting. 

Anakin sighed in disappointment.  You, Obi Wan, and Anakin walked through one of the massive Jedi hallways.  Anakin is very furious. 

"What kind of nonsense is this? Put y/n and I on the council and not make us a master??? That's never been done before in the history of the Jedi.  It's insulting!" Anakin yelled.

"Calm down Anakin.  You two have been given a great honor.  To be on the council at your age...It's never happened before.  Listen to me, Anakin.  The fact of the matter is you're too close to the Chancellor.  The council doesn't like it when he interferes with Jedi affairs."  Obi Wan explained. 

"I didn't even ask to be put on the council." Anakin said. 

"But it's what you wanted!  Your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off."

You were listening from behind the two of them, keeping up their pace. 

"That has nothing to do with it!" Anakin yelled. 

"Anakin, regardless of how it happened, you find yourself in a delicate situation." Obi Wan said. 

"You mean divided loyalties." Anakin stated. 

"I warned you there was tension between the Council and the Chancellor.  I was very clear.  Why didn't you listen to me?  You walked right into it." Obi Wan said. 

"The council is upset that y/n and I are the youngest ever to serve." Anakin said looking back at you. 

You looked up wide eyed.  "What?" You asked. 

"No, it's not.  Anakin, I worry when you speak of jealousy and pride.  Those are not Jedi thoughts." Obi Wan said. 

"They're dangerous, dark thoughts." You added in. 

Anakin glared at you and then looked back to Obi Wan,

"Master, you of all people should have confidence in my abilities.  I know where my loyalties lie." He said.

"I hope so..." Obi Wan spoke. 

Anakin sighed.  "I sense there is more to this talk than you're saying." Anakin said to his Master. 

"Anakin, the only reason the Council has approved your appointment is because the Chancellor trusts you." Obi Wan said.

"And?" Anakin wanted to hear the rest. 

"Anakin, look, I am on your side, y/n is too.  But I didn't want to put you in this situation." He said. 

"What situation?" Anakin asked getting irritated. 

Obi Wan took a deep breath, "The Council wants you to report to all the Chancellor's dealings.  They want to know what he is up to."  Obi Wan explained. 

"They want me to spy on the Chancellor? That's treason!" Anakin yelled. 

"We are at war, Anakin.  The Jedi Council is sworn to uphold the principles of the Republic.  Even if the Chancellor does not." You said. 

"Why didn't the council give me this assignment while we were in session?" Anakin asked. 

"This assignment was not to be on record.  The Council asked me to approach you personally." Obi Wan explained. 

"The Chancellor is not a bad man, Obi Wan.  He be friended me.  He has been watching out for me since I arrived here." Anakin explained.

"That is why you must help us, Anakin.  Our allegiance is to the Senate, not to its leader who has managed to stay in office long after his term expired." Obi Wan said. 

"Master, the Senate demanded that he stay longer."  Anakin argued. 

"Yes, but use your feelings, Anakin.  Something is out of place." Obi Wan said. 

"You're asking me to do something against the Jedi code.  Against the Republic.  Against a mentor....a friend! That's what's out of place.  Why are you asking me to do this?" He asked. 

"The council is asking you." Obi Wan responded. 

Anakin sighed and nodded his head.  He walked away leaving you and Obi Wan.  He turned to you. 

"I must leave soon to find Grievous." He said. 

"You will be careful won't you?" You asked. 

"I always am.  And I promise I will come back." 

You smiled and gave him a goodbye kiss before he had to leave.

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