Part 2.2

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Anakin sighed and plopped himself on the couch.  Obi Wan spoke with him as you rested yourself at the table.  Then, you felt something, through the force.  Anakin was looking at Obi Wan stunned. 

"I felt it too."  They ran into Padme's room and destroyed the disturbance, but there was still something else you could feel it.  You hopped into a speeder and followed your senses.  As you got in you heard a shatter and a yell.  As you came around the corner you saw Obi Wan hanging on to a flying probe droid.  You knew that the droid would head for its master so you followed it. 
Traffic was crazy and you almost lost Obi Wan a few times.  Then you saw an explosion and a falling Jedi.  The droid hit the front of your speeder and fell off.  You looked up to see Obi Wan crawling into a speeder.  But you followed the assassins speeder.  The green speeder went around corners and up and down.  You stayed on its tail the whole time.  But you never even realized Anakin and Obi Wan in the speeder behind you.  The assassin turned around for a moment and shot straight at you. 
You let out a shreik and ducked.  It hit the seat you were sitting in instead of you.  You sighed in relief and kept following.  But as the two of you came out of the tunnel you lost her in traffic.  You kept driving until you found her speeder plummeting towards the ground.  There was a person on top and you knew it to be Ani.  You smiled and pulled your speeder down.  The assassins speeder landed on the ground and Anakin went flying off of it.  Obi Wan pulled up next to you in the speeder Anakin abandoned. 

"Y/n?" Obi Wan called.

"I would hope so." You said with a smile. 

The three of you walked into the building and looked around.  The place was packed full of people. 

"Oh great! How are we supposed to find one person in all these people?" You asked. 

"Patience.  We will find him eventually."  Obi Wan said. 

You took a deep breath and followed him. Obi Wan spoke to Anakin and told you to search around the club.  You nodded and walked around. 
You squezed between people and looked at everyone.  You tried to use your senses to find her but you couldn't.  There was too much interferance.  You turned around and then saw someone with a gun to Obi Wan.  You ran over as fast as you could,

"Stop!" You called. 

The next thing you knew there was an excruciating pain in your leg as the bounty hunter had turned and shot at you.  You fell over and Obi Wan sliced the girls arm off.  Anakin was over in a minute with his lightsaber ignited.  Obi Wan helped you up and took the assassin outside. 
You leaned against the wall to support yourself while Anakin and Obi Wan questioned the bounty hunter. 

"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" Obi Wan asked. 

"The senator from Naboo." The girl answered weakly. 

"Who hired you?" He asked. 

She glared at the Jedi, "It was just a job." She responded. 

"Tell us!" Anakin yelled. 

"The Senator's gonna die soon anyway.  And the next one won't make the same mistake I did." She said.  

"This wound is going to need treatment." Obi Wan said. 

"Who hired you?  Tell us...tell us now!" Anakin demanded. 

"It was a a Bounty Hunter named..." She was cut off by a FTZZ sound. 

Anakin looked up and around.  The girl died from something.  Obi Wan pulled out a wicked-looking dart. 

"Toxic dart." He said holding it up.  You limped over as best you could.  Anakin helped you as you braced yourself on his shoulder. 

A/n: Sorry about this part being so short, but there is plenty more to come so don't worry.  Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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