Part 1.2

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Jabba the Hutt came up and started talking. There was a pause before the race started.
All the pods took off and Sebulba was in the lead. Shmi held a screen that showed Anakin on the screen. You were on Qui Gon's back so you could see, since you were so short. The pods kept going down up around. Then, Sebulba started eliminating racers. A pod spun out of control and crashed. Ani was getting closer, but Sebulba was still in the lead. Lap two came and passed, then the third and final lap.
Ani was close behind Sebulba. The ugly slime ball turned to Ani and laughed. He knocked Anakins pod but Ani stayed on the track. There was so much tension inside you as you watched. Then, Ani pulled ahead and won the race.
You jumped off Qui Gon's back and screamed. Everyone was so relieved. You all ran down to Ani's pod and lifted him up. He had finished the race.
Watto flew up to Qui Gon and started rambling.

"You can't have them!" You heard Watto yell.

"We can discuss this with the Hutts. I'm sure they could settle this." Qui Gon said confidently.

"Take them." Watto said in defeat.

Qui Gon smiled and walked back over to everyone. Qui Gon came inside Anakin's house,

"Hi." He said.

"Yes!" Anakin said beaming. "Mom! He sold the pod and look at all the money we have." Ani said pulling out a bag filled with coins.

"Oh my goodness." Shmi exclaimed.

"And Anakin and y/n have been freed." Qui Gon said.

"What?!" You and Ani both said simoultaneously.

"You're no longer slaves."

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