Part 7.5

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Finn glanced at you, "So, you are related to Han Solo?" He asked.

You rolled your eyes, "Ugh! I'm pretty sure we've been over this! He's my uncle." You said.

"I know. But-nevermind." Finn said.

"But what?" You asked.

"I was going to ask who you're parents are. Or at least your last name." He explained.

You became silent. No one had asked about your parents since -- well, never.

"I'm sorry. If you don't want to answer that's fine by me." Finn said.

"No, it's okay. It's just, my father left me with my aunt and uncle a few years ago. Then, my uncle left and I just haven't been asked about my father before." You explained.

Finn and Rey were silent. You took a deep breath and let it out, forcing the tears to stay put.
Voices up above broke the silence.

"Han Solo! You are a dead man!" The man yelled.

"Bala-Tik! What's the problem?" Your uncle asked.

"The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job." Bala-Tik answered.

"Can you see them?" Rey asked in a slight whisper.

"No, but I can sense them." You said with your eyes shut.

"I heard you also borrowed fifty thousand from Kanjiklub." Bala-Tik said.

"You know you can't trust those little freaks! How long've we known each other?"

Rey and Finn crawled underneath where the death gang was.

"They have blasters." Rey said.

"Lots of 'em." Finn agreed.

"The question is how much longer will we know each other? Not long. We want our money back now." Bala-Tik ordered.

"You think hauling Rathtars is cheap? I spent that money." Han said.

"Kanjiklub wants their investment back too." Bala-Tik said.

"I never made a deal with Kanjiklub." Han said.

You opened your eyes and looked to Rey and Finn, "Guys, I sense something else up there." You said as calmy as possible.

"Tell that to Kanjiklub." Bala-Tik told Han.

Another portal opened and the Knajiklub gang is standing there.

"Tasu Leech! Good to see you!" Han says kind of pale.

"Wrong again, Solo! It's over for you." Tasu Leech said in a different language.

"Boys, you're both gonna get what I promised! Have I ever not delivered for you before?" Han asked.

"Yeah." Bala-Tik answered strightway.

"Twice." Tasu Leech said.

Han looks at the Wookie next to him,

"What was the second time?" Han asked.

"Your game is old. There's no one left in this galaxy for you to swindle" Bala-Tik said.

"Nowhere left for you to hide." Tasu Leech added. Bala-Tik, still staring at Han Solo said,

"That BB unit.....the First Order are looking for one just like it." He said.

Rey and Finn crawled across the ground to where the Kanjiklub gang was.

"And two fugitives." They stopped where they were and looked at each other.

"You're fugitives?!" You asked shocked.

"First I've heard of it." Han said. "Search the freighter." A Kanjikluber said.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. If we close the blast doors in that corrider we can trap both gangs." Rey said.

"Close the blast doord from here?" Finn asked.

"Resetting the fuses should do it." Rey said.

She punched a few fuses and smiled hopefully. The lights went off and three giant land octopuses, called Rathtars, emerged from their cages.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Han said under his breath.

The lights came back on and Rey gave Finn a pale worried look.

"Oh no." She said.

"Oh no what?" Finn asked.

"Wrong fuses." She said.

"Oh great! That's just great!" You said.

You follow them as they crawl hurriedly down the grates. Rey opens the hatch and both Rey and Finn poke their heads out. Rey slaps Finn down and pulls herself out. Finn went next and then you.

You start to follow them down corriders and around corners.

"What do they look like?" Rey asked.

You turn a corner and there is one right there.

"They look like that." Finn said.

There is a crunching noise as the Rathtar finished off one of the gang members. Rey put her hand to her mouth as Finn dragged her away.

"This way!" Finn yelled.

"Are you sure?" Rey asks.

Then, Finn is pulled down by his feet and dragged away, fast!

"Finn!" Rey exclaims.

She kept repeating that as she chased after him. You sighed and continued down the hallway you were going down already. You found your Uncle Han and followed him.

"It's a whole 'nother adventure! Huh?" You asked.

"Uh, yeah. I guess." He said.

You smiled and finally reached the door that led to the Falcon. Rey and Finn arrived as well.

"I got the door. Cover us!" Han shouted.

"Give me your blaster!" You yell at him.

"You don't have a weapon?" He asked.

"I do, but it works better for killing closer to people. Remember?"

Han sighed and handed you the blaster. You held it and shot at the gang members. One of them actually hit something but it was Chewie.

"Chewie!" Han yelled. He grabbed his crossbow and fired at the same death gang member at the same time you did.

Han took the crossbow and shot the control panel. The door lifted and you all raced to the Millenium Falcon. Han started yelling orders at people and Rey sat down next to him.

"You could use a co-pilot?" She asked.

"I got one he's back there." Han said.

"Alright, get ready to jump into lightspeed." Han said.

"From inside? Is that even possible?" Rey asked.

"I never ask myself that question until after I've done it." He says.

"With him, almost anything that has to do with this ship is possible." You said.

Suddenly, there was a BANG! and a Rathtar clomped onto the end of the Falcon.

"This is not how I thought this day was gonna go." Han said.

He flipped a few switches and the ship began to race right into lightspeed, leaving the Rathtars, and gangs behind.

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