Part 3.4

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Anakin walked out angrily.

"Anakin!" You called.

"I don't feel like talking, y/n." He kept walking.

"Anakin, stop!" You demanded.

He sighed and listened to you.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." He said.

Ani, we lived next door to each other for nine years. I can tell when something's not right. Now spill your guts."

Anakin smiled at you and preteneded to choke up his insides.

You laughed and hit his shoulder, "Stop that." Your smile didn't fade when you tried to get serious again. "Come on. Stop trying to get out of this. Tell me." You said.

Anakin sighed and looked down. "I can't." He said.

You shook your head at him, "We were best friends Anakin. We never kept secrets from each other. You were the only one I had told about my mother." You said.

Anakin just shook his head. You sighed and walked away leaving Anakin behind you.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to have one with you and Anakin. Hope you're enjoying.

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