(HxH) Gon x Reader 'my side'

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You sprawled out on the bed in the middle of the room. The comfortable mattress letting you sink right in. You wont be moving for a while now. You look and see that you are taking over the entire bed for once. 

"Once Gon gets home he will want to lay down too" you sigh.

You really want to cuddle with him. You roll around the fluffy blankets, making yourself, and the bed look disheveled. You then hear the door close and look up from the previous activity you were in the middle of. Gon is standing at the doorway smiling at you, he must have caught you in the act. 

"Welcome home Gon" you say and smile in return.

 "Haha looks like fun mind if I join" he then takes a couple of steps towards me.

 "No" you say then lay back down, hoping you get a reaction. 

"Aww why not" He pouts and walks closer to the bed.

 "Because this is my bed now" you say looking over at him seeing his frown.

 "What do you mean your bed, I sleep in it too you know" 

He is now standing right next to you and 'your' bed.

 "Haha, I am just taking over the throne" you look over at him. 

He looks like he is planning something though. And your prediction was correct. He lays on top of you and wraps his arms around your waist.

 "G-Gon your on m-"

 You couldn't finish your sentence because he then starts rolling around with you in his arms. You feel so protected and it is actually a very fun thing to do.

 "Haha (Y/N) now I see why you were doing this, even though I think it is better now that I am holding you" he says with his cute grin as he stops rolling around.

 "I love you Gon" you say then snuggle even deeper in his embrace. 

"I love you too (Y/N)" he says then kisses your forehead.

 A bit of time goes by and you remember something.

 "Hey you are on my side"!

Lolly- I hope you enjoyed it, It is my first one shot and I hope I did okay. I also hope my story made you happy if you like Gon as much as I do ;)

Tell me in the comments if you think I should write more, and hopefully I can continue, if you like my writing of course :p

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