(NARUTO) Sasuke x Sakura

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Requested by ItzAaliyah07

I hope you enjoy :)

Sakura POV
"Oooooh can't wait to go to the festival with Sasuke tonight, now we are D-DATING and it will be so much fun" I squeal as I get really excited about what will happen later in the day.

I look at the pink sheet of delicate silk displayed on my bed that will soon become my yukata for the night. The Sakura petals scatter the edges of the fine fabric and stay is top condition even though it has been passed down for generations. I look over to my drawer and pull out a hairpiece perfect for tonight. The rose quartz and sapphire gems forming flowers and small peridot gems for the leaves that sparkle in the light when in my hair. I place them down and imagine passing this down to my children. I smile fondly at the sheet and leave to go for a walk to scope the town.

Festival decorations hug around and vendor booths were being set up. In the day time they are completely different from it's counterpart the night. Unlike the usual village scenery of calm, I see many people bustling around preparing for tonight. I feel nostalgic looking at the cherry blossoms that have made their way to the center of the village. Out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar face, the purple outfit catching my eye.

"Hey Hinata, what are you busy doing" I wave as she makes her way towards me.

"I was just looking around at the scenery, how about you Sakura" she smiles and says in a soft tone.

"Oh I was just doing the same" we then continue to walk but this time together

"Are you going to the festival tonight" She asks

"Actually I am, and this year I'll be going with Sasuke" I smile over to her "are you going with Naruto this year" I smirk as I see a blush on her face

"Haha how did you know Sakura" she holds her cheeks and smiles down

"Well I hope we run in to you, tonight is going to be fun"

We talk for a little longer than we realize until we notice people leaving to get ready, we say our laters and I head back by to our respective homes to get ready.

**✿❀ Later ❀✿**

The festival has always been my favorite celebration in the Village, the lanters honey glow reflecting everything it comes in contact with, and the smell of vendors sweet and savory foods filling the town. As I smell the enticing air I adjust my hair pin and look for Sasuke.

"He should be around here somewhere" I whisper to myself.

As I look around I spot a familiar head floating in the crowd.

"Hey Naruto, where's Hinata" I say as I look for her and Sasuke

"I am meeting her by the trees, do I look ok, am I sweating too much" Naruto panics

"HEY" I hit him "your fine don't be nervous Hinata is probably already doing that" I shove him away as he shouts a thanks and runs off

Now where is Sasuke? We really should have come up with a meeting area. It is so crowded how will he find me. As I begin to worry I walk over to the path leading to the cherry blossom trees. I stand against one and look at the scenery. Truly magnificent, I just with Sasuke was here with me. I sigh.

"Sakura" a deep mellow voice says

I gasp and turn around

When I see his face my face breaks out into a big smile

"Sasuke"!!! " You found me" I blush and close eye smile "I'm glad"

His aura is the same powerful shinobi I fell in love with, his yukata is black and he stands above me.

"Let's go" he walks ahead.

I follow in suit and walk next to him. My face blushes as I want to grab his hand but I just can't. Although our hands are close I enjoy Sasuke's company as we walk through the garden.

We make our way back to the center of the village where I play a few games and Sasuke wins a few more. One game was too hard and Sasuke guided me the entire way. Then we get some sweets.

"Sasuke can I try some of yours" I ask quietly.

He looks over at me but holds it out regardless.

"Hmm it is very nice, thank you" I savor the flavor and smile at the thought of our indirect kiss.

"Can I try some of yours" I hear him say

"Sure" I turn to hold it up but instead of the treat he kisses me.

I close my eyes and enjoy our first kiss together. His lips are soft and it is everything I could ever hope for.

When it ends I put my head down and blush. He then grabs my hand and we keep walking. What I don't know is that he is smirking like the proud Uchiha he is.

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