(ONE PIECE) Jealous Luffy x Reader

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Requested by hey__book


I was training with Zoro as he was teaching me a few sword combinations and new hand to hand combat techniques.

"Grip the sword and let it touch your back, then swing it forward with precicion" he instructed my moves.

As I was practicing a voice tears me away from my training.

"Hey (F/N) come play" Luffy yells as he seemingly gets bored of watching me train with Zoro.

"In a little bit Luffy" I huff

I continue to swing the sword and pay close attention to Zoro and his every movements, eventually hand to hand combat begins and I am overwhelmed by Zoro's strength. He teaches me how to grab and punch since I lack strength in my upper bod. Although that may be true, my kicks are my most impressive skill set.

"Alright the last move I will demonstrate is how to break someone's hold on you" he takes a few steps and stands behind me.

His shadow looms over my petite figure compared to his, as he wraps his arm around me. I hear I wine from somewhere but choose to ignore it. He instructs me to try to escape and when that fails a few times he teaches me a new manuver. Eventually I have it down and can get out of the hold.

"Good job, that is it for today" he says then trots away to take a rest.

"Man that was a lot" I say as I wipe my brow

Out of nowhere Luffy is suddenly behind me hugging my waist with his face in the crook of my neck.

"Luffy I am all sweaty" I wine as I feel my clothes sticking to my body and beginning to stick to him as well.

"I don't care (F/N), why did you do that"? He mumbles into my neck.

"Do what"?

"Let Zoro hug you for that long"

"Oh Lu, it was only for training, it didn't mean anything" I reassure him

"You shouldn't do that again, alright" he says close to my ear.

"But Lu, I have to train somehow don't I, I already tried training with you but you aren't the best teacher around here" I chuckle but Luffy doesn't seem as amused.

"Just don't, okay"

I sigh, he is never this persistent about me not doing something, what is the matter with me training? As I think this I turn myself around in his arms to look at his face. He is red and is not looking at my face like his normal self.

"Hey Lu what's the matter" I peer up at his face to see what he is feeling and cup his cheeks in my palms.

"I don't know, I just didn't like it when Zoro's arms were here" he squeezes my waist tightening his hold on me.

"I felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to take his hands off of you, but I couldn't because you told me to wait" he mopes and lays his head on my shoulder

"Aw I am sorry Lu, I didn't know you would get jealous" I chuckle

Luffy let's go and stands back a few steps in confusion.

"Jealous" he questions "I was"?

"I think, at least that is what it sounds like to me Lu" I smile at him

"But you don't have to worry about it, the only arms I want to be in are yours"

I take a couple of steps and hug him tight

"Just like I want you to be the only person in my arms"


(A/N) I hope it wasn't too short and that you enjoyed it! I had fun writing this one, I didn't want to make Luffy an angry jealous person, more of a confused and insecure type in my eyes. Anyways THANKS FOR READING ^^ and sorry for slow updates

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