(OHSHC) Mori x Reader

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Mori is my darling and he needs more FLUFFFF augh he is too handsome! Ignore Honey-senpai's legs 😂😂😂

The host club, oh what an...interesting group of people they were. You can't blame me for loving all of those dorks though. I became a regular of the Host Club after meeting Haruhi and seeing her become a host. You both started looking after each other because you both got into the school with scholarships, and learning how to deal and understand rich people is such a drag so you thought you might as well learn with someone else. The only people in the entire host club staff that seemed to be close to normal was Haruhi, Kyoya, and Mori. I mean sure everyone has their own little quirks but some more than others. I remember that even though Kyoya was normal seeming he really needed to start being more lenient with money because we all knew how big he spoke when it came to debt. Haruhi is a wonderful gal, she just needed to finally admit that she liked Tamaki and all will be good. Mori, well he is just very quiet nothing too weird about that and maybe that is why I really liked him and still have lingering feelings. He is tall and I find that really attractive in guys, he is also very sweet and when he does talk I love the vibrations that sound from his deep mellow voice. After we graduated most of us still tried to keep in contact but I was only able to remain in contact with Haruhi and Kyoya, I haven't had the chance to look for the rest of the members, but I hope they are doing good. College life was fun but stressful, and I didn't really have time for friends. Back then I didn't know what I wanted to do as my career, but here I am with my degree in teaching consumer sciences, because why not!

Today was my first day of having my own group of students. I am extremely excited but nervous at the same time. It feels like a storm could come crashing in destroying everything I have built up for this very moment to begin my teaching career. Surprisingly I have decided to go back to Ouran High and teach there, big decision but I am already familiar with the place and I had good word put in (by Kyoya of course because he wouldn't forget about his favorite teacher now would he). I go to my classroom that I had already been working in to prepare for the students. I can already tell this is going to be an eventful day as a new teacher.

~~~~~~~~~~➳ time skip to Lunch

Mori POV

I can't seem to figure out why that woman over by the puzzles seem so familiar. She also acts very similar to a friend I had in my high school years. The side of her is all I have to base my guesses on. Eventually she feels my stare on her and looks me right in the eye. I glance away as fast as I can but I can't help but find her even more familiar now that I know what she looks like. But what if I really don't know her and I was all in her space acting like a creep staring at her. I wouldn't want to give her the wrong impression of me. I wonder why she is in the library anyways, hopefully she checks out a book, then I can ask for her name. Let me just do my work and stop getting side tracked.

I made eye contact with the librarian, he is very handsome and tall and seems very kind. But I came here for a book not to stare at hot librarians. I eventually pick a book from the fiction area and decide to check it out. I walk over to the counter and I seem to have gotten the said man's attention. His darkly shaded eyes that have little specks of a lighter brown that highlights the beauty and depth of his eyes intrigue me. I smile and place the book on the counter with a small thud. 

"Hello I would like to check this book out" I look up at him, he looks awfully familiar now too the closer I am to him, but I would know if I knew someone with this caliber of handsomeness. 

"Ah yes", he lets out as he types on the keyboard, woa his voice is so deep and mellow, I try not to blush because of my weird addiction to deep voices and handome men ha. 

As he sets up the screen he looks over to me and asks for my name 

"F/N L/N" I smile and right after he hears my name his face slowly contorts to a shocked one

 "Ah wait...Y/N, um do you remember me" he asks with slight hesitation. 

"Well you seem really familiar but if I hear your name I know I'll remember for sure" I say shaking my brain for answers

 "Its Mori Taka-" 

"Oh my goodness Mori" I yell over him cutting him off as I jump up to hug his broad shoulders

 "I knew you looked familiar" I say smiling as I attempt to rest my chin on his shoulder. 

His arms wrap around me but the counter in between you two makes things a bit difficult for the both of you. 

"It's good to see you too Y/N" he says as he rests his head on your head just like he used to on those rare hugs you both shared.

 I slowly let go and smile brightly. 

"We should have dinner later to catch up" he says as he scams my book handing it back to me. 

"Yes I think that would be great". 

You tell him to wait for you in the library after class is over as you think of all the great stories and memories you guys can share with each other. A blush rises on your face as you begin to walk back to your class, would this be considered a date or just a friendly moment to catch up with each other? Regardless you are excited and can't wait to talk to the only man you ever truly wanted to see.

A/N Hello everybody I might do a part two of this, if I get 5 votes on this oneshot, I mean I wouldn't want to write anything you guys wouldn't like to read θ¬θ Thanks for reading and request please!

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