(HAIKYUU) Sugawara x Reader

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Sorry for all the Haikyuu, please request if you would like a different anime, and if you would like to see what anime I have seen check out my myanimelist.com account in my bio

Also I found a bunch of the Haikyuu characters from this artist and I absolutely love all of them (Check out my Tanaka oneshot and his picture is up there by the same artist) Ugh he is hot is this picture lol

Also I found a bunch of the Haikyuu characters from this artist and I absolutely love all of them (Check out my Tanaka oneshot and his picture is up there by the same artist) Ugh he is hot is this picture lol

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Sugawara POV

*click* *click*

Instead of hearing the single click of a camera I hear two, one from me but where did the other one come from? I look up from my crouched position to see this girl with her camera smiling straight down at me. Her aura is captivating and I can't take my eyes off of her. The picture of golden crisp marigolds surely coming out of my camera as time seems to slow. Her camera also slowly lets out a picture from the top as she takes it and holds it in her hand.

"Sorry I wanted to take a picture for my photography class" she scratches the back of her neck and sheepishly laughs it off.

"No it is totally fine, I have to do the same"

I smile and look in her eyes as I stand up realizing that she is shorter than me from this height rather than towering over me when I am on the ground. Honestly she looks magnificent, if hipster or vintage was the vibe she was going for she nailed it.

"Yah?, do you have this project where you have to take a photo of how nature makes you feel in one picture, I mean, I am just saying but there will be tons of scenery photos" she grins and puts her camera back into her camera bag.

"I actually have to do the same thing, do we happen to be in the same class, you look a bit familiar" I question as I am genuinely interested in this girl and hope this is not just a one time conversation I will keep in the back of my mind and think about constantly.

"Um is yours a 2:00 class"? she glances at her picture and puts it in her bag.

"Yep that sure is my class, I knew you looked familiar" my smile widens

"Well it's nice to meetcha, the name's (F/N)" she grins and holds out her hand

"Nice to meet you too, my name's Sugawara" I shake her hand, hers smaller and softer than mine.

As I am about to invite her to work on our photos together or maybe go out for a cup of coffee when she remembers she has to go to a study group

"You can come if you want, although I doubt you would want to on a Friday afternoon"

I shake my head at her request

"Thanks but no thanks I still have to find more ideas for the project, Ill see you in class Y/N"

As I hear her say bye I watch her walk away and think about how cute and adorable she is.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Later that night  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


"Ahhhhhh I can't submit this photo"

I say as I stare at the picture I took earlier that day.

Sugawara crouched down next to the bright marigolds trying to compete with his bright personally, his camera wrapped in his hand by his slender fingers, his silver hair slightly ruffled by the slight early morning breeze, and the look of complete tranquility on his face.

It is perfect, what nature makes me feel like is holding a camera up and taking pictures of bright happy things.

But I can't submit this, it would be too creepy if Sugawara saw that I took a picture of him.

I sigh and plop myself down on my dorm room bed, if only I talked to him before and we were friends I could use this photo and also have such a sweetheart-ed friend. Gosh darn everything, nothing ever turns out alright. Maybe I should have asked for his number, what am I saying, like he would give it to a girl he just met. He probably already has a girlfriend or boyfriend, and now I am out of luck. My best bet is to befriend him because I have taken an interest in becoming his friend.

Over the course of a few weeks the projects due date seemingly creeps closer and closer, as well as Sugawara and I.

"Suga~ lets go out for a cup of coffee and tea" I lean on him as we sit together in class

"Alright sounds good to me, lets just drop our stuff off first" he says as he looks down at my face

I smile up at him and give him his space back as I feel my face heating up. We both pack our supplies up and leave to go drop our things off. First we stop by Sugawara's dorm room, his roommate Daichi seemingly out,  most likely at class. Then we head towards my dorm room. I open the door for him inviting him in. I have hung out with him in his room before but this is the first time he has been in mine.

"Sorry for the mess Suga, but make yourself at home" 

I unpack my supplies in their respective places when I turn around and see Suga looking at my picture board.

"Wow these are great (F/N)" He smiles at the pictures but then stops, staring at one at the middle of my board.

"What is something wrong" I come closer so that we are standing side by side and peer from beside his shoulder.

Oh crap, it's the picture of him I took when we first met.

"Nothing is wrong it's just, is that a picture of me" he looks over at me

"I'm so sorry, I can take it down if you want, I just, um, thought I would take it that day and I really liked the picture and I thought it would be a good idea for the project but we didn't know each other then, but now we do, and I am just rambling now" I rush

I wanted the earth to swallow me up, my eyes were squeezed shut and my hands were clenched by my side. I was tense and I didn't hear anything for a while until his hands wrap around my clenched ones.

"Don't worry so much (F/N) I think it is cute, and you can use it for the project if you want, but on one condition" he says

"Yea, what is it" my body relaxing once everything seems okay and he doesn't seem to mind 

"Let me take a picture of you"?

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