(NARUTO) Naruto x Sasuke (modern au)

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I am the worst and I apologies for taking FOREVER!!! This was a request, I hope you enjoy anyway :) FoxxisWrites

Naruto POV
It has been such a long time since I have seen Sasuke last. And by that I mean a few hours. We were at this party and then the next moment he is gone. How could he leave his best bud behind *pout*. Now I am home at our apartment. He is currently my roommate for the time being until he finds a better place to live. Hopefully he doesn't though, I enjoy his company. I guess I will try to break into his room again, after my many failed attempts already. He is hiding something and I want to know what it could be. And now that he is out there in the city probably doing some sketchy Sasuke stuff, so I am worry free. I smirk as I walk through the small hallway making my way to his door. I slowly turn the knob....it doesn't budge....how the heck does SASUKE GET IN HIS FRIGGIN ROOM if it is locked!?!?!? I don't care anymore I need ramen. I run down the stairs to take my mind off of him. Lately he has been on my mind a lot more. Maybe it's the new haircut, or the fact that he has been smiling more, and the way he looks at me when he needs my help. OH KAGE...do I like Sasuke? Maybe I do...but I don't want to, I wanna love ramen and ramen only!!!

Time skippu brought to you by Icchu Ramen~

Sasuke POV

Why dose Naruto never lock the Frikkin door. Dose he want to be brutally murdered by some serial killer? That stupid fool can't clean up his mess either. *sigh* at least he isn't helpless without company like I am. I walk to my room using my credit card to open my stupid door that never stays unlocked. I put on my pajamas which consists of my pajama pants and...ya that's all. I keep my door open for the night so the air in my room can circulate. I slowly fall asleep with the cool air comforting me as well as the though of being with Naruto in this small house for a long time.


I wake up in the middle of the night because ramen is not being nice to my stomach. I go to get a cup of water but then something unusual catches my eye. SAUSKE'S DOOR IS OPEN!!! I sneakily sneak to his door and peak inside. holy cheese Sasuke is shirtless... heh heh heh. I go up to the bed and....SURPRISE ATTACK. He is totally gonna hate me for this. I jump on him so that I am laying on top of him and all I hear is a loud groan of pain.

 "oops sorry Sasuke" I say but sike I don't really mean it. 

He looks up at me and then just closed his eyes again. hmmm what's wrong. Then I lay there for what seems to be forever because I ain't moving and Sasuke is surprisingly comfortable. A little while longer and he is wrapping his arms around me... Holy Ramen what have I done to be blessed this way. I look up at him again and he stares back. I don't want him to get the wrong idea so I wrap my arms around him too. He blushes, and OMG he is too cute, what happened to the Ice Cold Sasuke I know? Soon we both fall asleep in each others arms.

BONUS!!! cuz I is the laziest author out there

When I wake up I see his face next to mine. Dose this finally mean he likes me too? I reach over to touch his midnight black hair and thread the strands through my fingers. The nice warm sunlight caressing his face. Argh I love this man. I continue to massage his scalp and stare at his face. He then slowly wakes up. O god O god what is he doesn't like me and I just invaded his personal space! I slowly bring my hand back...but he stops me midway.

 "Good morning Naruto... why'd you stop" he said it so innocently.


 "Well first, I wanted to know if you like me", I say hoping my face isn't beet red

 "mhm I do"

 BOOM WITHOUT A BEaT!!! I then feel him scoot in closer so I do so as well and our lips meet. HAPPIEST PERSON RIGHT NOW!

haha I hope you enjoyed and like I said I am sincerely sorry for not doing the request sooner. I will try to get better with my new schedule... High school honestly sucks booty but regardless I hope you stick around for more!!!

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