wanna talk

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Emma finally got back anf went straight upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door so Snow couldn't come in. She wanted to be alone. Snow was relieved when Emma had come in but didn't know how she was but she called Regina back
 Regina heard her phone finally went ofd and picked it right away. "Did she come home, how is she is she okay?"
 "She came home" snow sighed "but she went straight to the bathroom and locked the door, so I don't know if she's okay"
 She tought for a moment. "Give her some time, she needs it. But if she stays too long try to talk to her."
 "I'll do that. I'm going let you go, I have to get back to Neal. Bye Regina" snow hung up
 Regina looked at her phone. She sat down on her bed looking at the phone. She just wanted to go over there to Emma and hold her, but she knew she couldn't
 Emma was laying on the floor in the bathroom with tears running down her face. It still hurt to breathe and her body hurt. She didn't want to talk or see anyone
 Regina just pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed into her eyes. She had once again messed up everything
 Emma was eventually able to get up. She left the bathroom and stumbled up to her bed
 Snow heard Emma leaving the bathroom as she was putting Neal to sleep. She walked up just to check on her knowing she wouldn't probably want to talk about it. "Emma is everything alright?" she asked
 "Nothing's alright around here" Emma said quietly wiping her tears away
 "Can I come in, want to talk about it?" she asked softly
"I guess..."
 Snow opened the door and her heart broke when she saw Emma so broken. She walked to the bed and places a soft hand on her shoulder. "Now want to tell me?"
 "Regina didn't tell me she was taking Henry to see Hook tomorrow. I wanted to go with her next time so nothing would happen to her again like the last time... she would have went without me knowing, and something could have happened again and she probably wouldn't tell me again like the last time, and I ended up finding out in bed and she didn't even tell me" Emma cried into her mother's shoulder "I just don't want anything to happen  "
 Snow stroked her daughters hair. "Emma, Regina toughts she was doing a favour by not telling you, hoping to keep it from you, not to worry you anymore. She should have told you, even that it might had made it hard on her" she said quietly holding her daughter
 "I know it's not the biggest deal but I didn't think she was going to keep anything from me, especially when she knows how much I worry"
 "Sometimes we do something that we think is the best way, but is excatly the opposite. Maybe she keot it, just because she knows how much you do actually worry"
 "She still should have told me"
 "She should have" she said, as she had told her
 Emma cried into her mother's shoulder a little longer before she began to calm down
 Emma cried into her mother's shoulder a little longer before she began to calm down
 Emma wiped the rest of her tears away "sorry" she aid quietly and moved her head from her shoulder
 "Don't apologize for having feelings" she said with a small smile and stroked her daughters shoulder
 "Buts really none of your concern"
 "I'm your mother, I want to be here for you when you need it."
 Emma nodded then layed down onto the bed. Her body ached and she was still trembling a bit
 Snow looked at her. "Do you want something? Painkillers?"
 Emma nodded "and my phone, it's on the floor in the living room" she said quietly
 Snow nodded and made her way downstairs. She also made her cup of hot cocoa before going upstairs with a small trade. She put it down, hot cocoa, glass of water, painkillers and her phone
 "Thanks mom" emma said sitting up and gave her a small hug
 "Always here if you need anythin" she said with a smile and kissed her forehead. "I give you some time alone" she said and walked downstairs to check on Neal
 Emma took her painkillers and drank some of her hot cocoa before turning her phone on to call Regina

Could Be Swan Queen Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now