Taemin x Reader ( Fluff )

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It was a rainy Sunday morning. You had woken up before Taemin, which doesn't usually happen. You knew how tough the week had been for him. You couldn't really help him about his career, so you always felt quilty when he came home past midnight, tired and hungry. Despite that, he always made sure you had everything you needed. He was an amazing boyfriend and a man. Today it was your turn to give him something in return. He badly needed this Sunday to finally rest and what better way to start his vacation day than eating his favourite food. You quickly got up from your shared bed and sneaked towards the bedroom door. You heard Taemin move under the blanket as you froze for a second. Luckily he was sleeping deeply. You let out a sigh of relief and quietly closed the door.

You ran down the stairs and headed straight to the kitchen. You were going to make pancakes as many people do on Sundays, but you knew how Taemin loved them and this was the least you could do. You grabbed a pan from the cupboard and started cooking. Luckily, you still had all the ingredients. You wanted to be quick in case Taemin wakes up, because you really wanted to surprise him.

Soon a delicious smell of pancakes was filling the house. A few of them were already on the plate, cooling down for Taemin. You heard steps coming down the stairs, but didn't pay much attention as you needed to flip the pancakes.

You felt Taemin's soft and gentle hands hugging you from behind. He put his chin on your shoulder. "Morning sweetheart," he whispered. His sleepy voice was so cute, it made you blush. You felt a smile form on Taemin's face. "You're making pancakes? My favourite!"

"Go and eat, there are a few on the table, I made them for you," you smiled back.

"For me? Thank you so much! My Sunday couldn't have started any better!" he said, kissing your cheek.

You took the last pancakes off the pan and put them in the bowl. Taemin rubbed your shoulders and took the bowl to himself "I'm just going to... take these now, since you made them for me," he said with a dead serious face. You giggled and kissed him. "You can take them if you want, but leave at least one for me, okay?" "Whoa, whoa now," Taemin laughed, "I didn't mean it. You deserve these pancakes so much!" You smiled and grabbed yourself a flowery plate. "Yah! Why do you get a flowery plate and I'm stuck with that boring white one?" Taemin pouted. You sighed and gave him your plate. "Suit yourself," you said as you took his plate with pancakes and gave him new ones. Before Taemin could say something smart, you opened the fridge. "Banana milk or regular milk?" you asked, turning your head towards him. "Give me regular milk, I want to save my banana milk for tonight." You nodded and closed the fridge door, a carton of milk in your left hand.

You and Taemin were eating pancakes in silence. Well... not really because Taemin was moaning and humming how good your pancakes were. "That's the least I could do. You always work so hard, but I can never really help you. I know nothing about music industry. Making you pancakes is seriously the most ridiculous thing I can do to try and pay back for all the stuff you do for me." you said quietly, tracing your fork around the plate. Taemin stopped drinking his milk in split second.

"Hey, it may seem that you're not doing much, but all these things you do, mean so much to me. Making pancakes on Sunday mornings, always listening to me when I have problems, comforting me when I feel down, coming to see me and members when we practise and bringing us food, taking care of me when I'm ill. Just the fact that I can wake up next to someone so caring and amazing, instantly makes my day. You don't need to do big things to prove yourself. You on your own are the biggest gift I have and I do all of this for you. I love you and I am the one paying back for such an amazing human being." he smiled happily.

You felt tears creeping up. You were so happy that you had Taemin and he loved you that much. "Hey, are you crying?" Taemin asked, a worried look in his eyes. You instantly wiped away your tears. "Oh, you," Taemin said and walked over to you to sit down next to you. He hugged you tightly and patted your head. "Just know, you don't have to compensate for anything. I love you."

He wiped you tears and lifted you up like a bride. You were giggling like a small child as he swirled you around and then tossed you on the couch. He took the remote and sat down as well. You quickly curled up next to him and he put his hand around you. "We ate our perfect breakfast and now let's watch some perfect movies for our perfect day off, huh? Let's watch "Saw"!" he yelled out in exitement.

"What??? No! I want to watch some good cartoons," you stated. Taemin laughed. "Of course, do you want my breakfast to come up watching "Saw"? What do you say, we watch... "Garfield"? Perfect cartoon for a lazy Sunday!" You smiled excitedly. "Yess! Let's watch "Garfield". I haven't seen it in ages!"

Taemin rubbed your shoulder and put the "Garfield" marathon on. You loved days like these. Just relaxing with your him and the best part was that the whole day was still ahead.

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