Onew x Reader (fluff)

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"How? How do you always manage to do that?" you asked as you put some bandages on Jinki's  hand. "I can't even let you on cutting the cheese without you almost chopping your fingers off."

"It's not that bad! Besides, stuff happens," he tried to defend himself.

"Yes, stuff happens, but NOT SO OFTEN!" you made a point as you finished patching him up. "I don't know what to do with you. How do you expect me to send you on your concert like that? I don't know, maybe you decide to die or something at there!"

Jinki started laughing and you couldn't help, but to let out a little chuckle.

"No, but seriously, it's the third time this week when you're hurting yourself badly. AND IT'S ONLY TUESDAY!"

Jinki was now almost laughing his lungs out. You wouldn't  really be surprised, if that really was the case.

"I thought you're used to that since we've been together for three years already. You know I'm clumsy."

You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, it's late and we should get some sleep. We have to go and make some preparations for the concert tomorrow. And I swear to God, if you hurt yourself out there..."

"Then what?"

"Then you're grounded."

You left the bathroom to finish his sandwich for him, leaving him laughing on the floor.


"Hey, it's time to wake up!" you yelled as you pulled the curtains. You heard Jinki mumbling and pulling the blanket over his head.

"C'mon, you've been in the industry for like what? 9...10 years? And you still can't get up in the morning." you mocked.

He shifted under the blanket, but didn't answer.

"You either come out of the bed right now or I'll pull the blanket off. You choose," you threatened.

Jinki was whining, but didn't make a move to get out. You sighed.

"Alrighty then." You shrugged and stepped towards the bed. You grabbed the blanket and tried to pull it, but Jinki was holding it tightly. You let go of the blanket while groaning in annoyance. Kneeling down, you raised the tip of the blanket to see a pair of tired eyes looking at you.

"You're almost thirty. Quit being five and get up or we'll be late."

You got up and placed your hands on your hips. Soon a head popped out from under the blanket, looking at you with his puppy eyes.

"Fine. Stay here, I'm going to change and go. The members are already waiting anyway. Seeya at the concert!" you said as you started walking towards the door.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" a tired voice yelled from the bed. You let out a quiet giggle and headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast.


"Hey!! You finally arrived! Why are you running so late?" Jonghyun yelled from the stage as he saw you and Jinki walking towards them.

"Ask from him. I weren't the one who wasted an hour for getting up," you said, glancing at your boyfriend who was still yawning. Members started to laugh and Jinki felt blush creeping up.

"Hey, Onew! What happened to your hand?" Taemin asked while jumping off the stage to give you guys a hug.

"He cut himself yesterday when making a sandwich," you explained before Jinki could even open his mouth.

"Sounds a lot like him," laughed Taemin. "Anyway, we already went through the first dance, but come up and let's do it again," he added, turning to Jinki. Jinki nodded and headed to the stage.

"I'll be at the back if needed!" you shouted. Taemin nodded and signed for the music to start.


There was a huge mess at the backstage. All the people were running around like crazy, trying to fix the problems. You just tried your best to stay out of the way.

"Ah, y/n! Can you help to set up the makeup tables? We need help or we wont make it in time," you heard one of the backstage crew people asking. They all already knew by now, that you were always at the concerts with Jinki so you always gave a hand as well. You nodded and headed to the makeup corner, where all the people happily greeted you.


You watched the boys' performances in awe. Their dancing was amazing and singing on point. You really looked up to them as they always made sure to be in their top shape for the concerts. You heard the "Ready or Not" music starting up and cheered for them as loudly as you could.

At first it was all nice, but suddenly Jinki lost his balance while dancing. You saw his painful reaction and knew something bad had happened, but he still made it to the end.

You saw Jonghyun, helping Jinki off stage. You worriedly ran towards them and Jonghyun handed him over. "I think it's better if you don't come on the stage. Your leg is pretty bad," Jonghyun told him. Jinki sighed and nodded.

A few medical workers ran to Jinki and pushed you away. You felt a bit offended, but knew to keep it down. You saw them checking his leg and from time to time a quiet "Ow" could be heard.

They worked on his leg a bit when one of the people got up and turned to you. "He sprained his anckle quite badly. Please watch him so he wont go back on the stage," she said. You nodded in agreement while the workers packed their stuff up and left. You sat next to Jinki to comfort him.

"What am I going to do? I can't fail shawols like that..."

"They are collected fandom. All they wish right now is that you rest and don't overdo yourself."

"Yeah, I guess you're right... But I have to be there for "Everybody"! This is such an important song!"

As much as you didn't want to let him on stage, you knew how important it was for him. "Okay, go, but please be careful okay?" you sighed loudly.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" he shouted and gave you a tight hug.

"But you're still grounded."

Jinki fell back laughing and clapping his hands. He looked at you, seeing you smile with him. He moved closer to you and gently cupped your face.

"I love you," he said, placing a kiss on your forehead.

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