Onew x Reader (fluff)

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It was your daughter's first birthday and since it was warm and sunny outside, you and Jinki had decided to celebrate it in the garden. C/n was crawling on the edge of a red blanket you had put on the ground for everybody, to play with the grass. From time to time, a leaf would find its way into her mouth. How did you know that when you were in the house? Because once in a while you heard the boys' panicking voices, which made you laugh. There's five of them and they still can't look after a year old baby.

Because it was you daughter's first birthday, she was going to make her first life decision. She was going to have to pick an item, which would determine her future profession. You didn't know how much you believed in it, but it was a fun tradition. You were walking around the house with a cardboard box, scavenging for different items which would go with a profession. Currently you had found crayons, a camera, a thermometer for measuring body temperature, a random book, a toy cat and a little toy pan, but you still had the living room to search through.

As you were going through c/n's toy box, the glass door to the garden slid open and Jinki stepped in.

"You're still searching?" he asked with a worried tone like this was hard work.

"It's the last box. And please, keep an eye on c/n for god's sake, because she won't think twice before eating a ladybug," you begged. Jinki laughed and promised to not let her eat any ladybugs.

"I'm done," you said victoriously and got up, hands on your hips and a bright smile on your face. Jinki glanced at the box. "That's a lot of stuff. Let's go, I'll get the box." He walked over and gave you a small kiss before taking the box. You held the glass door open for him and the two of you headed outside.

When you got to c/n, she was currently being really fascinated by an ant running up her arm. You quickly flicked the bug away and placed c/n in the middle of the blanket.

"Are you all ready?" you asked the boys.

"Ya!" they exclaimed as one and clapped, all excited. Although c/n had no idea what was going on, she immediately joined the hype and started clapping as well.

"Okay, let's do it," you smiled and Jinki flipped the box, all the items falling onto the blanket. C/n was taken aback after seeing all the colourful items. She had a confused look on her face as she looked at you, then at her father and then back at the pile of items.

Soon she collected herself and started going through the items. She pushed away the camera, her crayons and her toy pan. Then she was stopped by a pink toy microphone. She eyed it for a second and then grabbed it into her tiny hands and looked at her father to get some kind of a reaction and that she got. Everybody cheered and clapped again, including c/n herself.

"She's going to be a singer!" you exclaimed happily.

"I'm going to teach her how to dance!" Taemin shouted.

"Yah! Isn't it a bit early?" Kibum nagged and playfully hit Taemin.

"She's going to be amazing, because she has all of you to look up to," you smiled and looked at Jinki who watched his daughter playing with the microphone, an adoring look in his eyes.

This one is really short, but for some reason I had a hard time with this story.
1) I was supposed to write it two months ago
2) I wrote it twice, because I hated how I wrote it the first time.
I don't have an excuse as to why I wrote it so late, but I really couldn't put the story together.
But thanks to @aotlover_nat for the idea and I apologise for being so late with it TT
But I hope it's still an enjoyable little read ^^

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