Minho x Reader (fluff)

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A door opened to a dark room before a little figure peeked in. The figure stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He looked at the bed located next to the window and saw a moving lump on the bed. He smiled and walked over to the bed, trying not to lose his balance.

When he got to the bed, he saw that it was too high up for him to reach, but instead of giving up, he grabbed a shoebox from under the bed and climbed on it. From there, it was easy to get on the bed.

He crawled towards a sleeping brown haired man on the bed. The tiny figure got on his knees and put his hands on the shoulder of the sleeping man. Not getting any reaction, he shook him a bit.

"Daddy..?" he asked with a curious tone.

"Ugh..." a groan could be heard. The man turned on the other side, now facing the small figure, but still not waking up. The boy then reached out his tiny hand and pulled the man's hair.

"Mh..mm.." mumbled the man and opened his eyes.

"Good morning, little one!" mumbled Minho to his son, who was pulling his hair. The boy giggled and accidentally pulled his hair a bit too strongly.

"Ow, hey!" Minho chuckled with his tired voice and pulled his son into his arms to tickle him. The boy started laughing and wiggling like crazy.

Suddenly, the door opened again and a woman stepped in.


"Here you are, c/n! I told you not to go and disturb daddy," you sighed and closed the door behind you. you walked over to them and sat down on the bed, still in your white nightgown.

"Did you sleep well?" you asked Minho. He stopped tickling his son and looked at you.

"I slept really well, I was so tired from yesterday," he chuckled and glanced at the clock behind you. "It's already 10am?!" he exclaimed. You laughed as Minho was immediately up, leaving his son confused.

"What's the rush? You don't have a schedule today," you asked with a smile and a furrowed brow. Minho stopped for a second, before putting on his shirt.

"Yea, but I think we should go somewhere or do something together today," he said and pulled on his shirt. He grabbed his sweatpants and put them on as well. You sat on the soft blanket while your son was climbing on your legs. Minho turned to you and when he saw you were calmly sitting there, he also walked back to the bed and sat down. You moved over to him and put your head on his shoulder. Your son climbed over to his father and he took him on his lap. You took Minho's hand and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"What?" Minho chuckled.

"Let's stay at home. I made breakfast and to be honest, I don't feel like changing clothes," you smiled. Minho smiled back and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"Actually, that sounds really good as well," he agreed with a soft voice. He looked down at his son, who was currently playing with the lace on the edge of your nightgown.

"What do you say, little guy? Let's go eat breakfast," Minho asked, playing with his hair.

"I made waffles," you said and got up from the bed. Minho took his son and got up as well. He walked to you and you gave him a kiss, trying to maintain your balance while on your tiptoes. He wrapped his hand around your shoulders and the three of you headed to the kitchen.

thank you @aotlover-nat for giving me a bunch of ideas^^ I really liked writing that one.
I hope you all like it too!
Bye! ^w^

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