Jonghyun x reader (fluff)

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You couldn't sleep tonight. You were tired before you went to bed, but now just couldn't fall asleep. Your eyes and body twitched when you tried to fall asleep and all the positions were uncomfortable.

But Jonghyun, next to you, was snoring quietly, not feeling you tossing and turning every 20 seconds. His blonde hair was covering a small part of his face making you wonder if it tickled.

You turned on your back and heard Jonghyun inhaling deeply. He let out a small moan and shifted a bit. Luckily, you didn't wake him up. You stared at the ceiling, eyes wide open. You didn't even yawn. Although you knew that Jonghyun had sleeping pills in the drawer of his nightstand, you had never liked taking pills. You had never taken sleeping pills before either so you didn't trust them at all. At least you didn't have work next day because the clock showed 3:09 am already.

Your eyes were used with the darkness and you saw everything pretty clearly. The window was open and a light breeze moved the curtains, making the moonlight get in once in a while. It was really quiet outside if not mentioning these few cars driving down the street from time to time.

Well. Time to turn.

You turned on your left side, facing away from Jonghyun. His slow breathing made you feel cozy and calm as you stared into the darkness. You felt and heard some shifting from Jonghyun again.

Did you wake him up?

You heard a quiet moan and felt his warm hand wrap around your waist as he moved closer.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" his sleepy voice asked as he buried his head in your neck.

"Did I wake you up?" you asked worriedly, turning your head towards him as much as your position allowed.

"Yes," he answered quietly.

"I'm sorry. I can't sleep," you sighed.

"Why? Is something wrong?" he asked and removed his hand from your waist to push himself up on his arms. You turned to him, darkness not bothering.

"No. I just...can't," you said, giving him a smile.

"If you really need, I have some sleeping pills..." he asked in an uncertain tone.

"I already considered it and no," you shook your head a bit.

"You have work tomorrow?"

"No, so it's okay," you answered, looking into his eyes.

"Then what am I going to do with you?" he chuckled and lay down, pulling you into a hug. He felt so warm and you felt safe. He ran his hand through your hair and you listened to his heartbeat.

"It's actually kinda chilly in here. Is the window open?" he asked, pulling the blanked on more.

"Yeah, it is, but it's nice and..." you were cut off by him moving closer and hugging you tighter.

"You're right, it's nice..." he said softly. Your face was hidden in his chest and your arms were between him and you, bent so your hands were under your chin.

"You know what?" he suddenly asked while he stopped caressing your hair.

"What?" you asked in a surprised tone.

"You're cute," he smiled and looked into your eyes. You blushed at the sudden compliment, but couldn't help your smile almost splitting your face.

"And cute things need their sleep," he smiled back with tired eyes. You knew he was only staying up for you.

"Do you want me to sing?"

"What?" you asked in a surprised tone.

"I could sing if it helps you to sleep..." he said, smiling. You stayed quiet for a moment. You didn't want to bother him, but you really wanted to hear him singing to you...

"You're tired. Don't bother," you smiled although he couldn't see it.

He started singing softly.

You smiled to yourself as his tired and quiet voice still sang so beautifully. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You got a bit closer and let his body heat consume you. His voice got more distant from time to time...



You woke up with a strong twitch going through your whole body.

"Are you okay?" Jonghyun asked, moving away from you and giving you a worried look with his tired eyes.

"Yeah...maybe I just fell asleep to fast..." you said, yawning.

"Ironic," he chuckled and gently brushed your cheek.

"Come back, I'm cold," you pouted. Jonghyun smiled and moved back, putting his hands around you.

"I should really close that window..." he stated.

"No, let it be. I want to be like that..." you mumbled into his chest.

"Me too. Now try to sleep, I'll be here," Jonghyun reassured.

"I know you are. I love you Jonghyun," you said before dozing off.


"I love you too, y/n."

Heyyy! This is just a shorter little story I wanted to write. Idk I felt really cuddly and cozy so it felt nice to write. Hope it gives a bit of coziness to you too!
Warmest wishes!!!! (≧∇≦)/

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