Taemin x reader (fluff)

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A rant

I had never seen or heard about Taemin's Thirsty until now?! The MV came out LAST YEAR and I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT IT??!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW A SONG EXISTED?! What is going on?! I haven't been away or anything?!?! Poor promotion?! I'm not even mad at myself I'm just really confused??
Anyway, the song is amazing and the music video ended a part of my existense. I'm so proud of him!!!
What the F*ck tho?!

Rant ended

It was one of those rare days, when Taemin was able to stay home without any schedule and any responsibilities. He was currently the only one up, his wife and daughter still sleeping.

Taemin had planned a little surprise. An hour ago, he had gone to pick up his dogs, Adam and Eve, who were now sleeping on the couch together. It had been such a long time without them and he already knew how excited his little girl would be. Just as he took his first sip of coffee, he heard a pair of small feet running down the stairs followed by a rather tired female voice.

"Don't run, dear! You'll fall!"

Not that the girl listened, but it was rather common courtesy to say that. Adam and Eve both raised their heads and turned towards the sound, tails waggling.

"Daddy! Daddy! We saw a bird!" the little girl yelled in excitement, not even noticing the dogs as she ran towards her father. Taemin put his mug on the kitchen table and caught his daughter into his hands.

"Daddy, there was a bird outside the window! It had feathers and it was brown and it jumped!" she talked with extreme enthusiasm.

"Did the bird wake you up?" Taemin asked.

"Yes. Mommy woke up too. The bird was too loud," she said with furrowed brows. Taemin looked over to his dogs, seeing that they were still on the couch, but almost dying with excitement.

"Daddy has a surprise for you. Look over there," Taemin smirked and pointed towards the couch.

"Doggies!!!" she yelled and almost fell out from Taemin's hands. Now the dogs ran to Taemin and he put his daughter down. Dogs were running around the little girl, occasionally stopping and then running again.

"Mommy, look!!"

Taemin turned his head towards the stairs and saw you coming down in your nightgown.

"Adam and Eve! Hello~!" you, exclaimed in a baby voice. Both of them ran over to you, sniffed your clothes and barked a few times before running back.

"It's so nice you brought them back. They must see you rarely," you said, walking over to Taemin and giving him a good morning kiss.

"No, they see me quite often now. I just wish I could spend more time with them at home. C/n would like it a lot," he answered, grabbing his mug again.

"Yea, that would be nice. Did you leave me some coffee?"

"It's on the counter. Did you sleep well? I heard about a rude bird," Taemin chuckled and took a sip of coffee.

"Oh, she already told you," you smiled, "there was a sparrow outside, you should've seen c/n's face."

You turned back to Taemin and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Let's go for a walk afterwards. I promised c/n we would go and feed the ducks," you said while yawning and warming your hands against your coffee mug.

"Okay, we have to go for a walk with Adam and Eve anyway. I'm gonna go sit down, wanna come with me?"

You nodded and lifted your head. You walked over to the living room area and sat on the now empty couch. You snuggled up to Taemin and watched your daughter petting the dogs.

"Here, Eve!" you called. The brown dog lifted her head and ran to you, placing her front paws on your lap. You scratched her behind the ears and under her chin. When you stopped, she stayed like that and looked at you.

"Here, girl!" Taemin now took a turn, gesturing her to come over. Instead, she jumped down from your lap and ran back to your daughter.

"What was that supposed to mean?" he asked with a light chuckle. "Well then, here Adam, here boy!"

Adam looked at Taemin, but didn't move a muscle towards his owner. You decided to annoy your love a bit.

"Here, Adam!" you called. Right as you said that, the small white dog ran to you and jumped on the couch next to you, followed by Eve and behind them ran c/n.

"Are you serious?!" Taemin looked at his dogs in disbelief, "What is this supposed to mean?!"

You laughed and continued to stroke the white dog.

"Adam, Eve!" Taemin called again, but none of them even noticed. You took a sip of coffee to hide your smug smile into the cup.

"Ya! What are you laughing at?!" Taemin asked and playfully elbowed you, "This isn't funny!"

"You just have to suck it up. Today is not your day," you smiled and let Adam nibble on your hand. Taemin looked at you, then at his dogs and slowly shook his head to silently scold them for betraying him.

A bit shorter again (I'd like the storys to be 1000 words, but tbh it doesn't matter that much. This one is almost 800)
Thanks to @aotlover_nat for the idea and happy 16th birthday!!! *Throws confetti*

I have a small idea over here that you all can participate in. I love writing stories that way and I'd like to try it out with this book.

The idea:
-Tell me the member you want the story to be written with.
-Give me 7 random words and one random sentence you want me to use in the story (words don't have to relate to eachother at all, it's better if they don't)
-If you want, I can do POVs ^^

So that's the plan! I want to write more and since I love writing that way, I think it would be cool to try that ^^
So comment down below!

AquaFlowey out!

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