Jonghyun (sad+ fluff?)

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As you can see I didn't know what to title this story because it's not really x reader.
I wrote "girl" but of course, you can use whatever you want when reading ^^ it's just going to look clustered if I write all other pronouns together with it.
I'm going to write my small a/n at the beginning today because I don't want to ruin the ending with it. Many thanks to @biankz03 who gave me this great idea!!
I also have a feeling that this story has a lot of grammar mistakes, because it's a bit different than usual. If you see any mistakes, let me know so I can fix them since I can't find them myself ^^

Warnings: mentions of suicide, mentions of Jonghyun's death.


Nobody knows what exactly happens after death. Maybe nothing happens. Maybe that's what it is. Death.
But maybe you become a guardian angel for someone. Maybe you become an angel in the sky or become a star that people look at when they're feeling down. Maybe you go to hell. Maybe you get to be born again in another body, into another life. Maybe you still walk the earth or maybe there's a whole another world.

Or maybe you become a soul collecting grim reaper?

Someone was walking on the street. In the night, someone was walking on the wet road, raindrops falling down from the streetlights around him. That someone was not seen nor heard, but his thoughts were loud in his head.

Jonghyun was walking down the dimly lit street, a book firmly in his hand. A book with white leather cover and red writing in it. Making no sound, his feet touched the wet ground.

He wasn't collecting tonight, but just...trying to feel something different. Trying to be back in the real world, trying to feel the wet rain and the humid, cool air. Not that he had particularly wanted to be back, but he missed the feelings. He stopped for a second to watch a lonely dog running by before continuing his walk. This was the destiny that every person who decided by themselves when their life was going to end, had to face.

It might seem like this fate was horrible, but it had its bright moments. Although you saw a lot of death, you were the one that helped the poor souls find peace after you had taken them. It was like compensating for the fact that you couldn't properly take care of your own fragile soul when you were living.

As Jonghyun paced along the quiet street, a quiet voice caught his attention. A soft crying could be heard from one of the houses through a slightly open window. He looked up and located the window with some weak light emitting from it. Although he knew he couldn't help, his heart didn't just let him walk by.

With a few quiet words, he turned himself into his given "world form". A beautiful butterfly, with a slightly broken wing.

He carefully rose up to the window and looked in. He saw a girl crying on her bed with what looked like a small photograph, in her hands, pushed against her chest. A short candle was burning on her nightstand, giving the room a sad glow.

The butterfly flew in and changed back, making the flame flutter. Jonghyun carefully walked over to the crying girl, trying not to disturb the flame again. He kneeled down next to the bed and watched the girl with pain in his chest. Something was really hurting her, he could feel it. He took the girls hand and sighed. What was the point of this? The girl couldn't see him nor hear, nor feel his touch.

But still, something held him there and he felt the need to watch over her. He got up again and decided to see if someone else was in this apartment. Someone, who maybe could help.

He checked every room, but the apartment was dark and empty. The girl was all alone. Jonghyun's worries grew and he headed back to her room.

When he got back, the room was empty. The photo, that the girl was holding against her shattered heart, was lying on the nightstand, next to the almost burnt out candle. Jonghyun walked over and gave it a look.

He suddenly felt empty inside and his heart started beating rapidly, its thumps echoing through his body

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He suddenly felt empty inside and his heart started beating rapidly, its thumps echoing through his body.

Where was the girl?

He ran out of the room, panicking. His eyes investigated every inch of this unfamiliar apartment until his eyes stopped on a white door.

He was terrified when he saw red, smoke like light coming from underneath the door.

The same light that helped the reapers find the location of a soul, ready to be collected.

He grabbed his book and opened it on an empty page. With disbelief, he froze when he saw a red name appearing in the book along with a time.

But he had a minute before this life was going to be over.

He ran in the bathroom and saw the girl holding a bottle of pills in one hand and a razor blade in other, face emotionless, but tears continuing to run down her cheeks.

Fifty seconds.

The red light got stronger and more alarming with every heartbeat. Jonghyun was panicking. He couldn't let this happen! But there was no way to stop this! The girl didn't know he was there and he couldn't change his form when a person was that nearby either.

Forty seconds.

The girl put away the blade and held the pill bottle firmly. She looked at herself in the mirror and then opened the bottle with an expressionless face.

Thirty seconds.

Jonghyun stood there, heart beating fast and tears filling his eyes. There was nothing he could do! The red smoke started to fill the bathroom and the book in his hands hurt him.

Twenty seconds.

The girl poured a handful of pills onto her palm and filled a glass with cold water, staring at herself from the mirror for a few seconds before looking at the pills in her hand and then back at her reflection.

Ten seconds.

"NO!" Jonghyun screamed and ran to her, book falling on the ground. He grabbed her hand which was holding the pills and at this moment he and the girl locked eyes in the mirror. The girl jolted and the pills fell onto the cold white bathroom tiles. She turned around, but there was nothing.

But she didn't know that she was staring straight into Jonghyun's eyes. She breathed heavily and slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, tears falling. Jonghyun kneeled down, trying to wipe away her tears, but with, of course, no results. Instead, he went and hugged the crying girl who was sitting among the fallen pills. The red smoke disappeared in a second and her name bled out of the book and vanished.

And she was sitting in the cold bathroom, alone, wondering why she was feeling warm.

Like someone was hugging her.

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