Jonghyun x reader (fluff)

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As much as you didn't like to take the late night train, here you were. You were supposed to get back to your apartment by 8 o'clock, but your friend had convinced you to stay with her longer so you missed the two earlier trains. Luckily, there was a good amount of people at the station so you weren't scared that much. There was a middle-aged woman reading the paper, a group of friends, boys and girls, who were talking and laughing from time to time and then there were two young boys, probably students judging by their backpacks.

You leaned against a pole you were standing next to and checked the time impatiently. Ten more minutes. Okay, you could live with that. You turned the volume up in your headphones and stared at the wall, feeling cold creeping up.

After standing there a bit and hearing the group of teens laugh loudly from time to time, another person arrived at the station. You glanced at him briefly, trying not to make eye contact.

There was a blond man with a white cap. He had a black mask on his face, maybe he was sick? He also had a backpack and was wearing headphones and a jean jacket with a white shirt under it. For your relief, there was no eye contact because he was typing on his phone, but you admitted, he looked...friendly? You got all the good vibes from him and found it hard to get your eyes off of him. You decided to check the time again and now it was five minutes until the train was going to arrive. You grabbed your own backpack from the ground to be ready to go.

Finally the train arrived. A few people stepped off and two people remained on the train. You got in and sighed mentally when you saw how uncomfortable the train was. It was one of these old ones and lights were only on one side. You adjusted your bag and went to sit on the side with lights. Not that you liked to be in the light, but there was some weird man sleeping on the other side. You sat down and just as you were placing your bag on the seat next to you, the blond man stepped in.

"Excuse me, but could I sit here? I want to read a book and there's light here," he smiled, his mask. under his chin.

"Sure! If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing the mask? I can't get sick right now, so if you're..."

"No, no, I'm not sick," he chuckled, " It just helped me to keep my face a bit warmer. It's quite chilly tonight. You shouldn't be out so late if you're scared to catch a cold," he added, laughing.

"I missed the earlier trains," you smiled politely, feeling more and more nervous because small talk was always so awkward. You placed your bag on the other side as the man sat down.

"By the way, I'm Jonghyun. What's your name?" he asked.

"Nice to meet you, I'm y/n."

"Oh, I like that name, nice to meet you y/n," he smiled sweetly and started looking for his book. You breathed in deeply to calm yourself. Because of his good aura, you weren't as nervous talking to him as you would have been, talking to someone else, but your heart was still beating pretty fast. Then the train started moving.

"Where are you heading?" he asked before getting into his book.

"I'm getting off at the University stop," you answered, not bothering to say the whole difficult name of the stop.

"Oh, okay. I'm getting off at the last stop."

You nodded with a smile and the conversation ended there. He started reading his book and you put the headphones back on. You hadn't noticed how tired you were, but now you just couldn't hold your eyes open and soon you were sleeping.


You sleepily opened you eyes when you felt someone gently tapping on your shoulder.


You realised you were on the train and your head was resting your someone. You shot up immediately and turned to Jonghyun who looked startled.

"I'm so sorry," you apologised with a sorry looking smile.

"No, no, no! It's okay, it didn't bother me. I would've let you sleep since you were so peaceful, but your stop is coming up," he said in a soft voice. You felt yourself blushing as you thanked him awkwardly.

The train stopped and your stop's lights were shining. You quickly got up and wished Jonghyun good night. You stepped into the empty station, fear of being alone in the dark city creeping up.

"Hey! Y/n! Wait!"

You turned around and saw Jonghyun running towards you...with your backpack. You had forgotten it on the train.

"You forgot your bag," he smiled, panting a bit.

But now the train doors closed and you both saw the train leaving.

Immediately, a wave of quilt washed over you.

"Oh, I'm...I-I'm so sorry! I..." you stuttered, trying to think of a way to fix the situation.

"It's okay, I can walk there. I'd have to walk back from the station a bit anyway. Actually, I think it would be good for me to walk with you. It's not the safest part of this city," he made a point. You nodded, thanking him and took your bag.

"Well, let's go then," you smiled and both of you walked out of the station.

"You have to be more careful. At first you missed the earlier train and then you forgot your bag. Be careful not to forget yourself somewhere," he chuckled. You should've felt a bit annoyed at the fact that a stranger was nagging you, but with him you didn't.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if that happened," you laughed, your warm breath forming little clouds in the cold air.

Jonghyun looked at you and smiled kindly. "Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Can you all believe it?? I WROTE! I haven't written in almost two months, but I don't force myself to write because when I don't enjoy it, it comes out crappy. I really enjoyed writing again so there will probably be more stories coming up ^^
  I wanted to write a Jonghyun story for the people who read his stories to distract themselves from the sadness.
There's not much happening, but it's great to write oneshots that are about everyday life, it just makes them more realistic for us to imagine ^^ and it also makes them more...real, because it feels like it could actually happen! (Wait, these sentences were the same, weren't they? Well, you get my point.)
Like always, don't be afraid to comment even if you're reading this two years after publishing 😂 Feedback is always great!

Aquaflowey's sidenote: The whole time I wrote this, I was listening to "Him and I" by Halsey and Eazy. I think the melody fits the story quite well and it's a good song ^^

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