Chapter 39 | Beautiful Setting, Gracefully Dancing

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I started to wake up just as when Sean decided to wake Sarah and Serris up as well.

"oh, you're awake!" Mrs.Lew exclaimed 

"Yes" I replied sheepishly, with a smile

"Well you're up now, weird things has been going on when you were asleep" Sean says

"Like what?, your grin seems misleading" I asked suspiciously, furrowing my eyebrows

"I kind of took a snapchat of us" Sean replies, nervously playing with his fingers

"I dont see how thats weird" I laughed

"you know what, the photo will explain it to you" Sean replies, re-arranging his cap

"Fine" I sighed

Hours has passed and we've finally reached our destination

I stepped out of the car holding my luggage, which was extremely heavy. Along with Mr.Lew, he kindly offered to carry it.

"Thank you" I smiled


"Finally!" Sean exclaimed

"We meet again" He added, referring to the king sized bed infront of him

"Excuse me, I think thats my spot" I joked, as I flopped on the bed, continuing teasing him

"For now, jet lag is killing me" Sean said, re-arranging his cap as he heads on the couch

"Get some sleep princess!" He said, tucking into the couch

"We'll be back for a while, need to run some errands!" Mrs.Lew says, along with everyone else

My eyes widen in shock, I tried to contain myself from fangirling because its too much for me to handle. I tried restraining myself from shrieking as well. And sure was very hard.

Suddenly, jet lag started kicking in and I felt myself getting weary, my eyes were shut but my thoughts were preventing me to go sleep. Im just really the type of person who thinks about stuff that's never gonna happen. Im a dreamer, besides dreaming has no limits.


"Wake up!!" I heard Sean, I started opening my eyes, at the same time my cheeks felt painful at some point. I tried rubbing them and when I did, I ended up rubbing Sean's cold hand

" Lets go!"  He invited, acting all jumpy

"Its like eight at night" I stated, carefully getting up into a sitting position

"Just please!, do it for me?"  He begged, frowning, showing his incredibly cute dimples

Oh who am I kidding, how can I say no to that face?

"Fine" I replied, rolling my eyes playfully

"Great!" He exclaimed, holding onto my bare hands, at the same time pulling me out of the door way

"Do you know where were going?"  I asked, unsure of what was happening

"Here we are!" He protested, welcoming me into the room with open arms

"And why are we in your parents room?"  I asked

"I want to show you something cool!" He exclaimed, dragging me once again 

"Here." He pointed out, looking into the beautiful bright lights of Los Angeles

"Beautiful indeed" I replied, getting lost into the beautiful sights of Los Angeles

"Give me your hands" He commanded, bringing my hands onto his shoulder, as his hands reach my waist

"What's Happening?" I asked, thoroughly confused

"Whats happening is, we're playing beautiful classical music, in a beautiful setting, gracefully dancing, and with you." Sean protested, as he bowed his head

"Im so confu-"  I replied, I thought of how beautiful the setting really was, and so I just shushed myself and got lost 

"Listen, A-Anne"  He stuttered, I felt his hands shaking a little as he said that.

"Yes?" I looked up at him

"I-i think i like you, and Im not sure if you feel the same way as I do." Sean said, bowing his head once again, as a droplet of sweat fell down from his face

"What?, I'm so confused" I replied

"I mean, if you dont feel the same way its fine, but just keep in mind im always here, and in the future im open to you" Sean replied, turning brightly red

"Wait!, you've got it all wrong, I do, infact i've been trying to cover up the fact that i was a fan of yours, but when i saw you in person ive liked you even more" I replied, looking down at my shoes, wasn't expecting i can open up as easily.



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