Chapter 22 | Meets

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Life is truly unpredictable, Who'd knew he'd just approach me when im finally satisfied with life. 

Seeing him brings back a lot of memories i dont even want to remember.

"Im sorry, i need to go" I stood up and made my way out.

Then, i bumped into someone.

It was Sean.

"Oh, sorry" I say grabbing his shoulders making him lead the way

"Just the person who i was looking for" I say

"I just went somewhere, missed me real quick huh" He chuckles

"Idiot, lets go. Im starving" I say


We went out to our usual eating place, Outside.

Fresh Air, is really soothing, after all that stuff.

"What did you do earlier?" I ask

"oh you know, priorities" He replies


Sean's POV

I felt a vibration which was from my pocket.

I took my phone out, unlocked it. 

It was a message from Kaycee, How did she even know my number?

"Meet me in the library, recess, or your girl will receive the worst punishment ever -Kaycee"  

What the heck is her problem? 

Without any hesitation i went up to the library.

I opened the door, Searching,there aren't any people.

I stepped in the library, and closed the door carefully, not making any noise.

"I see you arrived" Kaycee says

"What do you want now?" I ask annoyed

"Isn't it obvious?" She asks

"obviously i have no clue what youre talking about." i reply

"I want you to be mine again" Kaycee says

"Im sorry but i cant, you broke up with me first, and now im happy with someone else" I reply

"Someone  else?, shes not even in a relationship with you. Youre one handsome boy, but you dont use your brain" She says.

"Call me all you want, i dont care anymore"

"I like her, and soon she'll be mine, soon but not just yet, now i have to go" i reply

"Oh, please. What does she even have that i dont?" Kaycee asks

"Respect, Kindness, alot more, pretty much the girl ive been looking for" I reply



"Fine" Anne says

"Since you asked me, ill ask you the same question" I reply

"Cafeteria, Adam" Anne replies

"OH, the guy from the mall you told me?" i ask

"Yeah, apparently, hes studying here" Anne says

"Mind if i ask?"  I reply

"Well um, hes the guy who i was close to when i was ten, i guess" Anne says.

"Well, why did you tell me, missy?"i ask

"not in the mood" Anne replies

"But you know whats funny, i've met him longer than you, but you seem to make me happier" Anne replies

I felt my face heat up, stomach filled with tingling sensations.

If only i can tell you how i really feel.


It was our next period, Its sadly im not with Anne right now. 

Which means, i have to go through this schedule through the whole school year, but i can wait, probably.

Anne's POV

I looked over to the window, it was raining. Gloomy weather with a gloomy mood today. Not really a good timing, right now. 

Im a 12 year old girl who stresses out about most things, which is stupid, i know. Well too bad one of my close friend isnt here. At least Bailey is here. Yano friendships. 

This thing has been bothering me, what did Sean even do while i was at the cafeteria.

'priorities' heh.

"Anne?, are you listening?" The teacher asks.

i looked at her with an apologetic look. 

Sean has been in my mind. 

Okay Anne, Study first, study first. 

Its stupid how a 12 year old thinks about a boy, named Sean Lew, often. But ill fulfill my parents dream first. 



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