Jason? -Amelia-

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The Crimson Blade

Chapter V



"You're so weird Jason."

Jason, being the mature fifteen year old he is, stuck his tongue out at me. I was currently sitting cross legged next to the fire, that Jase had 'oh so conveniently' built. Jason had untied me from the tree, after making me promise not to run away. I thought it was pretty worth it. I mean, sitting next to a warm fire versus being tied to a tree? Which one would you pick?

Rayn has been gone for hours, and I was kinda hoping that he wouldn't come back. Is it wrong to wish that on someone?

It was now dark out, and the half moon was high in the sky. The fire was burning bright, with it's orange and red colors dancing together. Jason poked the coals, stirring the wood every once and awhile.

I hated to admit it,  but I was actually enjoying myself. There were no pesky maids, No constant bothering of manners, No 'You have to wear your best dress to dinner'. It was nice to sit next to the fire, and eat a rabbit that Jason had caught.  I wasn't complaining.

Without thinking, I started humming a tune. And before long, I was whispering the Lyrics. Jason sat up, looking at me with wide eyes. "You sing?"

I blushed scarlet. "Um, yes?"

He smiled. "Care to sing a few notes?"

"Uh, shure" I stuttered "I guess that would be all right."

So I sang:

He cries in the corner where nobody sees,
He's the kid with the story
No one would believe.

He prays every night,
"Dear God won't you please,
Could you send someone here who will love me?"

And he says,
Who will love me for me?
Not for what I have done,
Or what I will become.

Who will love me for me?
Cause nobody has shown me what love,
What love really means.
What love really means.

"Wow" Jason spoke softly. "You have quite a voice."

"Is that in a good way?" I asked, playing with the skirt of my dress.

"Well, I think you beat Rayn"

"Rayn sings?" I asked quite surprised.

"Hah, yeah. but only when he thinks no ones watching."

"Oh" I said simply. "I see"

"Do you?" Jason joked.

I laughed.  "Pervert!"

"Hey! I defend myself against that accusation!" He yelled, standing up and pointing at me.

I rolled me eyes. "Yeah, sure"

He sat back down, and crossed his arms like a little kid. "Awww" I coed, "Is the little Jason pouting?"

"No." he replied gruffly, looking me in the eyes. "You know," He started, un-lacing his arms, "You are taking this remarkably well."

I looked at the ground, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I put on a fake smile and looked up. "Yeah I think I'd go insane if I freaked out."

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