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Past, occurring 2764.
⠀⠀Her breathing was ragged, her face flushed and her lungs squeezing. Rattled breaths came from her chest, her palms slick with sweat as she held an ancient and large book against her childlike chest. Her bare feet made pitters and patters against the cool marble floor, like the sound of the rain on flood week. The child of eight years old turned the corner of the lavish castle, her eyes darting around like she was expecting someone to jump out and frighten her. She stopped suddenly, a quick and abrupt stop that sent her blonde hair to move wildly. With a quick intake of air, her thick fingers reached up and opened a wooden door. The door creaked, it's moan low and unwelcoming.
The sound of the door creaking open was unwelcoming itself, but the pitch black room that laid ahead was worse. Walking blindly into the pitch black room; the blonde child closed to door after herself, destroying all light that could escape and shine in the crevices of the room.
Collapsing to her knees on the cool ground, the book made a harsh sound. It made the child's heart jump, a light laugh leaving her lips as she realized how silly she was being. This ancient book now on the ground, was forbidden for most to read. Especially Princess Adorna Castillo. Nonetheless, this didn't stop her. It didn't even faze her. Trouble was her middle name.

She reached over on the ground next to her, turning a switch till light flooded the room. She had before placed the lantern in the room, before snatching the illegal book from the castles library. A warm light, not too bright to alert someone of the child in the room reading the forbidden book, flooded into the stone cold room. She set aside the lantern, keeping the room lit for her to read the ancient text.
The gold glaze of the book was peeling, the earthy smell of the book filling her nostrils. She took a breath, opening the book hesitantly. The smell of must and dust filled her nose, making her cough into her arm. "A-Ameri-ica.." She stumbled, reading the title of the first page. Taking a thick page between her index finger and thumb, she turned the page. More dust went flying, making her cough once again and swipe at her tickling nose. The mysterious stains on the book made her curious. Who else had opened this book before her?
The impatient child flipped the pages, until she came to a summary of the chapters. "The states were so considerate..." She mumbled, a ghostly smile appearing on her face.

❝⅄ merica, established on July fourth, 1776. Ended, on July fourth, 2045. Attacked by nuclear warfare by the Chinese on July second, 2045. All electricity wiped, along with millions of Americans and Mexicans. The dead period ranges from decades of dark times; killings, rape, and starvation. Though, the states blossomed thousands of years later. People arose from the bunkers, and plant growth regained. Without the government, things went back to clans. Thousands of more deaths arose, from sickness and wars. Though, monarchy was brought back from the shadows. Soon, three kingdoms arose taking over the American soil; the Ascary. Mythical creatures arose from the fairy tails, and a new world arose—❞
The low groan of the wooden door startled Adorna, her head whipping back in horror. "Adorna," a soft voice said, the dissatisfaction heavy in the boys voice. Adorna's small and frail body relaxed, though her muscles were tense nonetheless. Her older brother, Tate, walked in, the light illuminating his dissatisfied facial features. "You can't be reading that, Adorna. It's just what the rebels want." He said, shutting the heavy door and walking over to his sister. Getting on his knees, he shut the heavy book. It's musty and earthy smell wasn't as heavy any longer.
"Father won't like this, Adorna. He'll claim you're siding with the rebels." Tate warned, his childlike face appearing like a ghost in the dim light of the bedroom. "But.. What if the rebels are right, Tate?" Adorna pressed, "What if democracy is what we need? Why are we living rich while people are living in dirt homes?" She demanded, her gaze fiery. "Adorna, speaking like that will only get you killed." Tate said in a warning tone, earning a scowl from Adorna. "You sound just like them, Tate." She mumbled, a sigh leaving the boys lips. "Because I am them, Adorna." The boy whispered, a shaky sigh coming from Adorna.
Adorna was silent for a while, her back to her older brother. Her shoulders were square, unsheathed tears breeding in her eyes.

❝Hail to the king.❞

Tate said softly, his voice eerie. Maybe it was the dim room making everything rather eerie, but he sounded off.

❝ℋail to the king.❞

Adorna whispered in return, a single tear falling down her flushed cheek.

❝For freedom comes tomorrow's noon.
O'er mountains and valleys where prairies roll
Our fathers, the Ascarian, valiant and bold
Drove back the invader; this heritage hold.
From proud Rio Hondo to old Sarstoon,
Through coral isle, over blue lagoon;
Keep watch with the angels, the stars and moon.
For Ascary and for the Ancestors
We must be courageous.
Hail, O people who, strong and intrepid,
Launched into war and went to death!
If tomorrow your sacred soil
By foreign invasion is threatened
Free into the wind, your beautiful flag
To victory or death it shall call
It is necessary to cover with a veil
The past times of Calvary and cross;
Let now the blue skies be adorned with
The splendid light of the concord.
Pastures green and flowers of beauty
Filling all with pure delight.❞

I hope you all enjoyed this prologue and continue to read ❤️

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