True Love

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Is everyone enjoying this tale of Adorna?
I really enjoy this new artist (music video tagged), take a look at him! His name is Social Repose. I think this song describes Erwin and Adorna a bit!

This chapter is dedicated to:


They have a great story I think you all would love!

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Her aching feet stopped in front of a door, her lungs heaving shakily and sweat beading at her forehead. She was on the run through the halls, trying to locate her room and forget the disgusting scene she saw in front of her. She felt stupid, for thinking that just maybe Erwin had taken an interest in her. A drunken mistake.

Adorna slowly pushed the door open, stepping in to the dark abyss of the bedroom.
This wasn't her room, her feet instead had taken her to the little sunshine of this dreaded place.

Setting her book on a desk, which she had to feel around for, Adorna's knee hit the bed first, jolting the child awake.

"O-oh!" She said in a gasp, gazing to a disheveled and sad looking Adorna. "Adorna?" She asked softly, reaching forward till her fingertips made contact with the others smooth cheek. "What happened?" She asked curiously, moving aside and letting the woman collapse next to her.

Her small body was pulled into Adorna's thin one, her nose nuzzling into the woman's neck in the crook. She relaxed as Adorna nuzzled her face into Yvonne's sun kissed hair. "Boys are bad, always remember that okay, Yvonne? Turn to girls." Adorna said, earning a soft laugh from the child.

"But loving a woman is illegal, the King could penalize you!" She argued, earning a soft sigh from Adorna. "My gods you're right. I'll make sure my brother makes an exception for you." Adorna said with a soft chuckle.

"It doesn't matter the gender," Yvonne began quietly, "They'll always hurt you in the end.. man or woman." She said, playing with a chain around Adorna's neck. A diamond hung from the chain, right at the base of her throat. It had been her mothers.

Adorna fell into silence for a few moments, before speaking again. "You're rather wise for your age." She said to the other.

"Erwin taught me to use my head. He said that even when in a losing fight, you can almost always outsmart the other." Yvonne said, her body turning so she was sprawled on her back.

"Did Erwin upset you?" She asked curiously, Adorna sighing in reply. She didn't want to answer that question.

"I just want to go home, Yvonne." She said, but then wiped at her eyes. Tears were beading, coating her lashes and threatening to fall. "Wherever that may be."

"You cry a lot, for an Assassin." Yvonne said, grinning softly at her. Adorna chuckled softly, but it was anything but warm. It was more worn, and tired.

"I'm still a person." She said, wiping her eyes. "Assassins are stronger, some stronger than even me, but even they can't mask everything." Adorna fussed, coming off harsher than she wanted.

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