Breaking Dawn

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Guess what? This is the last chapter till epilogue!


Leave me some love ❤️

Dawn rose, and Adorna swore she could hear a pin drop in the silent home. All maids and workers were sent away, to remain safe in this hell. Some had stayed, claiming they would help fight. Erwin didn't have the heart to tell them to leave, that this was a losing war.

Adorna had coaxed Erwin to bed, the two staying awake throughout the night. They didn't speak, they simply clung together. Together, they watched day break across the horizon.

"Do you think Roxas will arrive in time?" Adorna asked softly, eyes still trained on the warm sun rising. Her head was placed delicately on his bare chest, her fingers swirling patterns of galaxies on his skin.

"No." Erwin whispered, his eyes glassy and aching. He had told her repeatedly; he didn't want to run, and he didn't want to die a coward.

Slowly, the two rose and dressed. Abandoning the thought of breakfast, the four stood outside watching the empty dirt road. Elly was a mask of nothing, and Klaus had his jaw clenched. Erwin just looked like a worried puppy, overly pale.

"Maybe I changed his mind." Adorna said softly, Elly snorting from beside her.

"He's not going to change his mind." She replied, earning a sigh in response from all three.

"I was hoping." She replied simply, squeezing the banister she was leaned against. It's wood was hard under her fingertips, that were turning white from the force of her squeeze.

The sun finally rose, the pink sky's turning orange. It was beautiful, a wonderful sunset to lose ones life to. Adorna reached over and tangled her fingers with Erwin. He squeezed her hand tightly in return.

A flag broke the horizon, the flag of the Kingdom and Adorna's home. There was a line of horses, with captains and Tate himself. Behind, was soldiers. There had to be hundreds, all dressed in heavy armor and with strong swords.

Daggers and swords hung at the rebels waists, and the women had braids down their back with kohl lining their eyes. They looked dangerous, like rebels should. Their weapons had no match against the best swords that could be made in the kingdom, but they would die fighting.

A song floated from the air, dancing in the fours ears. The anthem, in slow words. The army sung it, but they didn't mean it. The words were deaf to most ears, and left their tongues like lies.

"If tomorrow your sacred soil
By foreign invasion is threatened,
Free into the wind, your beautiful flag
To victory or death it shall call!"

The army sung, the words getting louder with each step. Soon, they were only a mile away.

"We have to do something." Adorna whispered urgently, gazing at Erwin. Her eyes were wide, like a frightened deer.

He gazed back at her, a defeated look in his eyes. "Like what?" He asked gently. Adorna turned away, nibbling her lips as she felt her heart race with exhilaration.

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