The balcony

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Adorna's mind raced in surprise at seeing her old lover standing just a few feet away, with his arm around a woman's thin waist and a drink in his hand. His head was tipped back in laugher, seemingly forced laughter. The whole thing disgusted Adorna, her fists clenching at her sides.

She remembered begging Maven to come to a fancy ball one occasion, just a few months ago actually. She had begged and begged, but to no avail he wouldn't go. He said he, a poor boy, didn't have any right to be there. But now, dressed in the finest suit with a beautiful woman at his side, Adorna felt every emotion that had bubbled inside her disappear and disintegrate.

It was like the last petal on a wilted rose, finally falling away and leaving the rose as just a wilted bulb with leaves.

Adorna sucked in a breath, turned on her heel and walked away again toward the balcony wordlessly.

Obviously, she just needed to forget Maven and move on with her life. He did, obviously. She wondered how long he had been seeing someone on the side. Though, thinking about it only made the anger reappear and she needed to keep her cool for the time being.

She finally found the balcony, and pushed it open with her palms. It opened easily, and she instantly felt a rush of the cool breeze. The smell of the sea was there, beckoning Adorna forward. She was a little relieved to see she was alone, for she could finally have a moment to herself.

Closing the door after herself, Adorna went to the edge of the balcony. It was made from stone, a light colored stone like sandstone. It was rough to the touch and uncomfortable to lean on, but Adorna didn't mind. She braced her arms on it and exhaled loudly.

"So, she can follow directions." An amused voice chuckled from the dark, Erwin Greene appearing from the shadows.

Adorna turned and instantly melted into a pretend and pristine smile. "Nice to see you again too, Mr. Greene." Adorna said, holding out her hand as Erwin requested it. He placed a very soft kiss on her knuckles, gazing downwards as he did. His lashes were thick against his cheeks, and Adorna found herself staring at him when his greeting was finished.

Adorna turned away as the man joined her at the edge, his lips sipping on a glass of wine. "You have a beautiful home, Mr. Greene." She said softly, gazing out at the ocean. Truthfully, she did find his home humble yet extravagant. Though, the castle she grew up in looked much more classy. She found more comfort in Erwin's home, though.

Pity it would soon no longer house any of his parties.

"You can call me Erwin, Lily." Erwin said, giving her a pleasant smile as he gazed out at the ocean as well.

"Well, Erwin..-"

"I know who you are," Erwin said suddenly, causing Adorna to close her mouth and peer curiously up at him. "Excuse me?"

"You're Adorna Castillo, one of the greatest women Assassins of her time, as well as the King's little sister. You were born October second of 2779. Your age is twenty three, and you duel throwing daggers. You've killed ten people unlawfully, and you've successfully completed a hundred and one missions." Erwin stated, each fact flowing loosely over his tongue as if it had been rehearsed.

"Impressive." Adorna stated, gazing away from him. Her posture became rigid, her fingers digging into the balcony's edge.

"I know the people who are hunting me." He stated, his tone bored.

The whole thing was unsettling, Adorna's lip twitching with unease. Finally, she turned to Erwin. "So, why have you not killed me yet?" She asked, reaching up and unclasping the mask from her face. She loosely held it between her fingertips, gazing at him with a fire like expression.

"I have far better plans for you," he said simply, still gazing out at the sea. "Now, I want you to be smart about this, Adorna. I know a few of your daggers are glued to your leg, oldest trick in the book. I want you to take them out, and toss them aside.. or I'll toss you aside, yes?" Erwin asked, earning a slow nod from Adorna. A hesitant and annoyed one. She always hated being bossed around.

Pulling up her skirts, she silently disabled herself. She should have put that small knife in sleeves, but she forget that part. She always did. She had a fear of it stabbing her in the wrist if jerked the wrong way.

"Good girl," Erwin smiled warmly, his body turned toward her. His eyes were twinkling with satisfaction.

Being called a good girl instantly sent Adorna off. The nickname, the pet name, it drove her insane. She wasn't here for his satisfaction, and he was going to receive hell for it.

Adorna charged forward and punched Erwin's smug face, making him stumble in surprise. His wine went amiss, spilling on the ground below them and on his tunic. With an angry snarl, he grabbed Adorna's wrist and gave it a jerk. She cried out in pain, but it didn't stop her other hand from punching him in the gut.

He groaned out, and she used this time to free her wrist from his grasp. Erwin was a good sized man, and Adorna was a small little nimble thing. She trained for this, but he was a quick opponent.

Lashing forward, he grabbed Adorna in surprise by the neck. He squeezed tightly, ready to kill her. Her fingers clawed at his, till she made scratches and blood poured from them. A wince was on his face, but he never let up. He backed her against the balcony's edge, holding her body there.

His eyes were angry, a blazing fire taking over a village. "You've been a bad girl," he whispered, his voice soft and velvety. Letting out a choked sound, the girl whispered, "Go to hell."

That drove him over the edge, for Adorna found her body sailing downwards and into the abyss below.

— —

She really drove him over the edge, huh? Haha!

It was she who was tossed over the balcony.
Forgive me for my horrible writing skills in the combat section. I shall get better.

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