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Who wants a teaser for the next book?
Here we go!

❝In the land of Ascary,

No one is safe.

Not the Kings who

Purge their gold,

And not the Rebels

Who burn for it.❞

"The world wasn't always like this; so deserted of all those with kind hearts and with words that leave their lips in gold hums. There was once a world where horse drawn carriages were a part of a fantasy story of women losing their slippers, and castles were to be toured and no longer a sign of wealth and power. People protested their thoughts and feelings on subjects of all kinds, and received bullets in their chests instead of fires at their trousers. Maybe one day we will go back to watching people laugh and sing in the streets, instead of hearing the lonely, shrill cries of Orphans instead."

"This writing is... perplexing." The woman said, gazing to her companion seated on a lush couch across from her. Shifting uncomfortably under the older woman's stare, Princess Adorna closed the thick book filled with rebellious writing. She had found it in the library her brother, Tate Castillo, held with so many other books. These books where books that spoke of the world before Ascary, even though Adorna couldn't even fathom what that kind of world may be.
The older woman reached forward with trembling fingers, taking the small teacup between her fingers and pressing it to her flushed lips, cracking with the cold outside. "You seemed very interested in it at the library, Miss Castillo." The older woman mused, making the fair woman look away bashfully.
"I'm hungry, for knowledge."
"Unlike your brother, I see. He sees knowledge in the shimmering of weapons."
"Different kinds of knowledge. I'm curious, about the land we occupy and what it was before."
"Don't be, Princess. It was a wasteland, filled with ignorant people and a greed-filled group of people who ordered the rest around. Mindless fouls, they were. It's how they met their end." The woman said from behind her tea cup.
Adorna listened, but didn't agree with what she had to say. "Aren't we just as bad, following my brother? Many don't know how... under attacked we are; how many are starving and living in filth." Adorna's breath hitched.
The woman leaned forward, setting her cup down on the table between her and the Princess. She wetted her lips, her beady crow like eyes dancing across the table. Something was off; her cheeks began to grow warm and her heart was hammering.
"Princess, as long as you and I are not the fools," the woman gasped, her breath leaving her chest in almost quick and sharp breaths, "Than all will be well."
As soon as the tongue of the woman touched her lips again, she fell forward, her body sailing till it crashed into the table and flipped it. The scorching hot tea went in the air, burning the woman's hair and skin, but she was dead.
Adorna watched in skillful silence. Standing, she took the book from the middle of the table and reaching into her breast, where she pulled a warm vial of thick green poison. It floated almost in a deadly fashion, ready to simmer any flesh that touched it.
Leaning down, she opened the woman's palm and set the vial in her fingers. Smoothing down her own hair, Adorna turned to the doors where guards awaited. Mustering up her most frightened damsel in distress face, she shouted,
"We've been poisoned!"

Did you guys miss Adorna as much as I missed writing about her? I thought I would give you a quick teaser to the second book, which does not have a name just yet.

The second book still has a waiting on it. I've actually put my other books on hold to continue this, because I just love Adorna so very much.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!
Give me some love ❤️ missed you all.

Ps. The Crystal awards are still open!

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