The call

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Fun fact that is actually me in the blue hat holding Keith Urban's hand anyway let's get on with the story shall we.

The crazy journey started just two weeks after the concert. When I got a call from an unknown caller.

I debated on answering the phone for a moment. Because I was at work. As I said to myself.

"There's no way that it's Keith Urban. Don't get your hope's up. It's probably just some teen prank calling you again or a wrong number. Don't risk loosing your job for a stupid prank call"

But then I thought what if it is Keith. He will most likely only call once. So I took the risk and I answered my phone on the job. As I put the phone up to my ear and said, "Hello"

I heard a deep voice man say, "Is this Katie"

I replied with a nervous- "Yes"

He said, "Oh grate I'm glad I got a hold of you so easily"

Then he continued with,

My name is Johnson,
"And when I say this. You need to keep calm and quiet and listen very carefully to my directions. Because we only have time for me to say them once"

I nodded my head yes as if he could see through the phone. He went on to say,

"I work for Keith Urban. He has given me a very specific directions. Now the next three hours are going to be very crazy and hectic for both of us. As we get you to Nashville today to meet Keith. Now where are you right now"

A long pause of silence passes for two minutes as I was shocked. I then replied with, "Work I'm I'm at work"

Then Jonathan said, "You need to get home now! To start packing for a five-day stay in Nashville"

He pause for a minute and then said, "You know what let's make it seven days"

So I stayed on the phone as I told my boss, "I'm sorry but I cannot make it to work for the next seven days because I'm going on the trip"

He said, "I'm sorry Katie but if you go on this trip. I'm going to have to fire you."

I sighed and looked at the floor and said, "So be it"

I turn my back and walked out the door. And said to the phone, "Jonathan are you still there"

He said, "Yes and did you just quit your job to meet Keith Urban?"

I paused in my tracks as the realization struck me hard.

I replied with, "yes yes I I guess I did........"

Jonathan said, "Wow I'm going to have to tell Keith this"

I told him "please don't"

He said, "OK I won't"

After I got home and packed. I called Jonathan back and asked "what next?"

He said, "Go to the nearest airport and ask for one plane ticket to Nashville. Show them your ID card and they should give you a prepaid for ticket. So you can be on your way"

So I did.

As I boarded the plane. I sat down in my seat I realized I should call my mom. To let her know I'm leaving the state/where I'm going/the time I should be back. Especially since I don't know until I'm there if this is real so I did.

She said, "To be careful and safe"

And so I responded with.
"I will" and that was that.

The trip to Nashville (Keith Urban)Where stories live. Discover now