"The toy" rated pg13 for language, slightly sexual topic

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Me and Keith were packing the last bit of boxes and we both walked out to the car holding a few and I tripped and all the boxes I was holding fell to the ground

One of the boxes just happened to spill out keith immediately set the boxes he was holding down and ran to me to help me

He bent down and held his hand out and pulled me up he asked me if I was ok and I said, "uh yah I'm not going to die so I'm ok"

It was then after I said I was going to be fine we both looked down to pick up what had fell and I realised that the box that just happened to spill out was my private box of "special toys"

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and die when I noticed keith was not only staring at all my sex toys on the ground but there was one in particular he was staring at and that was the one that was teal blue and had his name written in big black bold letters

I had no idea what to do or say so I just pulled my jacket off and tossed it over the whole seen I then without even glancing at keith turned around and took I step or to away and withdrew from the whole thing and stomped my foot really hard on the ground

I then shouted, "FUCKING SHIT" at the top of my lungs and started talking to myself a bit I said, "what the hell all the shit I had to do to hide that from him all for fucking nothing because of my clumsy ass dam I really need fucking four leaf clover or some shit I have had the worst luck getting caught cussing in front of his children, keith finding those dam letters, keith caching me talking about him in my sleep, keith getting sick and me having to take care of him but how could anyone complain about that well I guess keith could...., and now this!!!

I turned around and keith was staring at me and smirking wildly I felt so embarrassed and said, "just please don't say anything or at lest not right now I feel like crying but I'm in to much shock this is so embarrassing"

He chuckled and said, "why is it embarrassing me and Nicole both know how much you love me we could see and hear it in the way you talk and act around me it's not that surprising to me but what is just a bit shocking is that you own a artificial dick with my name on it"

I was so embarrassed and I said, "it's embarrassing because that was something that was supposed to be private no one knows about it and the one person who finds out about it is the one I really didn't want to know I seriously have the worst luck"

He chuckled and said, "well you said you don't want to be with anyone so it was a given that you must have a way to get what you'd get out of a guy from somewhere else..... and also I don't think you have that bad of luck I mean 5 days ago you were working at a store in a mall for minimum wage a job you must have hated judging by how fast you decided to quit now you work for the one person you care about the most in the world for way above minimum wage plus a place to live provided with the job with children you seemingly love with all your heart I'd say if this is what bad luck looks like I'm not sure what good luck looks like"

He turned around and picked up the boxes and packed them in the bed of the truck as he did that I picked up my mess and as I was doing that what keith had said settled in with me and hit me hard he was right beyond right I packed the boxes I had and keith shut the door to the bed of the truck and was about to say something but I cut him off and said, "hey I'm sorry for complaining I was out of line I didn't have the right to do so"

Keith said, "it's ok it happens to everyone also where can I get one of those I wanna get one for nicole"

I was so shocked when he said that I said, "um I'm sorry I'm not fallowing" I lied... I knew exactly what he was referring to

He said, "the thing that got your feathers all in a bunch when I found out you owned....the thing with my name it"

I chuckled and simply said, "custom made by yours truly"

His jaw dropped and he said, "what for real you made that"

I laughed and said, "yah I did I can seriously make anything as long as there's a YouTube video on how to make it"

He chuckled and said, "well now I wanna take a closer look at it"

I started busting up laughing and said, "no way although it would be pretty funny to see keith urban himself holding a sex toy with his name on it"

He said, "could you make one for us?"

I laughed and said, "uhhhh no that's a bit weird"

He said, "oh come on please"

I laughed and said, "ok just so we could stop talking about my sex toy with Keith's name on it just so we could stop talking about sex anything involving keith in general"

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