Secrets and more secrets part 2

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I get in the bathroom and plug my phone into my amp and start blasting
"Eminem lose yourself "
I start raping with anger fuelling each and every word I was raping so loudly keith and bailey could hear it all the way out in the living room

Meanwhile keith looks at bailey and says, "She sounds really really mad and I didn't know she could rap is she mad at me?"

Bailey says, "She's mad yes but not directed at you she's mad she got puked on she can never be mad at you for her it's like attempting the impossible and yes she can rap and there's a lot you don't know about katie...."

Keith said, "really she can't be mad at me I beg to differ she just yelled at me for a good 20 minutes"

She said, " no what that was was her angry your being stubborn and taking her anger out on whatever she must've been mad about something else and you being stubborn pushed her past her braking point you know..... the cup can only be filled up so much before it spills over..."

Bailey's POV

I then heard something in the bathroom fall and katie started crying I ran to the bathroom door and said, "katie you ok"

She said, "yes I'm fine"


I was in the shower and fell to my knees and started crying as for what I was crying about was I felt just awful for taking my anger out on keith as for where the anger came from was I was sad I had to leave all my friends behind but I covered my sadness with anger and in the shower was where I broke because I was alone

Bailey's POV

Katie came out of the bathroom wearing just a towel and walked out into the living room and asked how he's been doing and I told her he threw up twice she looked at keith who was lying there slumped over the mixing bowl and she brushed the hair out of his face he looked up at her and saw her in her towel and said, "holy shit your fucking sexy"


I looked at him and said, "wow sick as a dog and still maintaining that flirty exterior now that's talent"

He chuckled and said, "I'm actually very surprised you have such a great figure I couldn't tell with The clothes that you wear"

I groaned and said, "that's enough keith this is getting weird"

I walked into my room and got dressed in a form fitting 50s circle skirt dress because I could tell that that's what keith wanted to see though he said it in his own unique way that was very awkward

I walked out into the living room and over to the side table to get the remote and keith said, "that's better why don't you dress like that more?"

I said, "because I get unwanted attention from guys"

He said," why don't you like attention from guys?"

I said, "uh because guys attention that they give to girls who dress like this is lust and I don't like guys lusting over me because I've been taught that for example if I was with you and some girl dressed like that and you lusted over her I wouldn't like it also relationships built on lust don't last you dress for who you want to be with and also I don't want to be with anyone"

He was a bit shocked and said, "why don't you want to be with anyone?"

I chuckled nervously and said, "well you set the bar so high I see you and think your perfection is what's normal and it's not so when I see something different I don't like it"

He looked at me and his face said it all and I said, "I'm serious"

He then threw-up again and I rubbed his back and held his hair I was going to talk him threw it but I thought that'd be to intimate because again I know my place but I gotta admit touching his hair made my inner fan girl come out and I squealed a bit

Keith finished barfing and said, "you ok?"

I chuckled and said, "mmmhhmmm better than ever"

I was now without even realising it playing with his hair and braiding it he started laughing a bit and that drew me out of wherever I was la la land I guess.....and I said,
"oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I think I should keep my space like a few feet away from you just so I don't zone out to la la land like that again"

Keith said, "no it's ok we both know we're friends nothing more than that ok maybe at the most best friends I consider us best friends so it's ok I trust you"

I then said, "yah but I don't trust me I don't want to ruin this for myself you don't know what go's through my mind when I zone out like that"

He laughed and said, "yes I do I know first hand from my teenage years"

I blushed and said, "so you know why do you trust me"

He said, "because it takes two to be involved in a intimate moment and as long as I don't do anything whatever's going through your mind is harmless"

I then said, "then if we're going to be friends you'd better be strong because I will probably accidentally flirt with you quite a bit"

He chuckled and said ok he then brought his bowl into my room with him and tried to help me pack more but I demanded he go take a nap

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