Chapter 10- Actually I won

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Chapter 10- actually I won

When lunchtime comes I walk into the cafeteria with the boys, Luke is avoiding me most of the time, everyone's attention is on me and the guys.

We had on black shades, I am in the middle, as usual, we get in line for our lunch, Jordan goes to meet Stephanie who is waiting to feed him.

Kyle is already making out with his girlfriend and the others are with me.

I order a double cheeseburger, a big portion of fries, and a large drink, I know I eat a lot when I am hungry.

Jacob orders two double cheeseburgers and a large drink, Justin a cheeseburger, a portion of wedges, and a soda.

Carlos, three slices of pizza and a large drink, and Luke a double cheeseburger, a slice of pizza, a portion of fries, and a soda.

We all walk to our table to eat, Stephanie minions all watch me.

I say, "you guys lost something?"

The guys chuckle.

A girl comes up to our table and Carlos flirts with her, within minutes they are making out.

Justin rolls his eyes, Luke watches his phone, Jacob looks green and I lost my appetite. I had an empty seat next to me and a boy on the varsity team sit down next to me.

It is Daniel, he says, "so A, still up for that date?"

Jacob chokes on his drink, Luke for once looks up from his phone, Carlos stops making out with the random girl and Justin looks shocked.

I reply, "I told you already, no I wouldn't date you, now get lost."h

He is about to protest when Jordan comes to our table; he says, "you're on my seat buddy, get up."

Daniel gets up and Jordan sits then says, "and give me the paper with Anne's phone number on it now."

He did as he is told and then leaves, by the time everyone is back to normal, Daniel is making out with one of Stephanie's minions, now you see why I wouldn't date him, he's a player.

Jordan says, "no need to thank me, he's a jerk anyway, you deserve much better", I nod.

I see Stephanie making out with a jock, not her ex-boyfriend, but the vice-captain.

I say to Jordan, "you barely last forty-eight hours with her", he shrugs by tomorrow he has another girl at his side, what a player.

I say to Jacob, "you owe me a hundred bucks, pay up."

Jordan gaps at us, "you were betting on me?"

I shrug, "yeah, I know I would have won anyway", Jacob hands me a hundred bucks and I shove the money in my pocket.


After school I got on my motorcycle and go home I don't want to date any guys, they are all players. I park my motorcycle in the garage and go inside I am hungry so I order pizza, while I take off my leather gloves and my boots.

The doorbell rings and I open the door, revealing a hot guy, he looks familiar. He has blonde hair and brown eyes, it's that guy from geography class.

He says, "that'll be $12.00", he smiles at me.

I hand him the money and I feel a rush of warm feeling when our hands brush.

I blush and take the pizza," thanks", and close the door, why am I feeling this way?

I sit down in the living room and open the pizza box with my soda, propping my feet on the table and put on the TV.

I get a text from Justin.

Jerk: Hi Ana, what are you doing?

Me: Nothing much, watching TV, my dad isn't home yet

Jerk: My mom really likes you and want to see you soon

Me: Really? Well I will check her tomorrow tell her that

Jerk: I will she's will so happy

I smile and shake my head, then I watch the TV, Good Luck Charlie is on, I love that show since I was ten.

Then the front door opens, it is my dad, he looks exhausted.

He says, "pizza, I didn't have one of that in a long time", he sits next to me.

He takes a slice and says, "now about what happened last night, cares to explain?"

I sigh and tell him exactly what happened then start to cry and say that I miss my mother.

My dad comforts me and we ordered more pizza, the same guy came again. We watch TV for two hours then he went to his office, I don't think he and Chelsea would work out.

I went and bathe then put on a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top, it is 6:00 pm.

I say to dad," I am going out to come back."

He replies, "be back by 9:00 and bring back some pancake syrup."

I get into my car and drive, I don't know where am going. I ended up by the twins' house, I knock on their door.

A man in his forties opens the door, he has brown hair and blue eyes, the twins resemble him.

He asks, "how may I help you?"

I reply, "are the twins home?"

He says, "yes, they are in their rooms playing video games, I can tell them you drop by, what's your name?"

I say, "Anastasia Montez."

He says," Mr. Montez is related to you?"

I say, "yeah, he's my father actually."

The man pulls me inside and closes the door.

He says, "you can go find the boys upstairs, I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Wow, this is quick.

I nod and walk up the stairs, I hear talking when I reach the third door, I put my head on the door.

Jordan says, "ha I beat you again, in your face".

Jacob laughs, "actually, I won, not you Jordan."

I open the door to see two shirtless twins sitting on the floor playing video games.

Jacob says, "how did you find my secret hideout?"

I roll my eyes.

I smirk,"I am a stalker."

Jacob gasps, he orders,"quick Jordan grab her, she's that's stalker I been talking about, we'll kill her and bury her in the forest."

Jordan smirks and gets up I take a step back and am about to run when Jordan grabs me.

I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he falls to the floor groaning.

I say, "don't ever touch me Jordan and Jacob I am not a stalker you idiot, I just got bored so I came here."

I sit down on the floor and take the controller.

Jacob says, "I am going and win Anne, mark my words."


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