Chapter 51- Season Greetings

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It's Christmas eve my dad, Stacy and I are going to do some last-minute shopping and Stephanie is coming as well. I wake up around 10:00 am, because last night I went to a party with the boys and shop for their gifts.

Someone knocks on my door, "time to get up Anastasia, we have some shopping to do and have to get groceries to bake later", I roll my eyes.

I reply, "give me half an hour, I'll be out."

It's below zero degrees outside, but at least I have hot air inside so I can feel cozy and warm.

I go into the bathroom and take a hot shower, it's also been a month since my breakup with Brandon. He tried to apologize, but Justin made sure he didn't come at least thirty feet near me.

I go back into my bedroom, it's decorated with a small Christmas tree and lights. I put on two long sweatpants, three long sleeves top then my big thick pink sweater, my cap, mittens, scarf, and earmuffs, then my snow boots.

I text Arlene to come over because I am totally driving there's no way I am going in that car with Stephanie.

I go downstairs and Freddie hands me a cup of hot coca tea. I thank him then walk into the living room.

The tree is at least eight feet high and still needs to decorate.

My dad says, "ahh, you're awake, later we'll decorate the tree together."

I hear the doorbell ring and I open it, there standing Stephanie in long clothes with her mittens on.

She snaps, "are you just going to stand there?" I roll my eyes.

Stacy says, "Stephanie you're here, I am sure you know Mr. Montez and Anastasia."

I cross my arms, dad says, "Anne say hello to Stephanie."

I say, "there's no way I am saying hello to that slut."

Stacy gasps.

Stephanie glares at me, "well I am not going to play nice neither", going into the kitchen.

Dad watches me and I shrug.

Stacy says, she just has a bad temper that's all, she's nice most of the time."

I laugh, "nice? She and nice don't even mix, dad that's the girl I beat up and got three weeks suspension."

Stacy gasps.

She points at me, "you're the girl, who put Stephanie in the hospital?"

I roll my eyes and say sarcastically, "no shit Sherlock."

Dad grins and Stacy glares at me.

We leave about thirty minutes later because Stephanie wanted to eat and do her make-up. I drive to the mall with Arlene, she says, "wow I can't believe Stephanie had the guts to be rude to you."

"I know right."


We arrive and Stephanie goes on her own business.

Stacy sighs, "I wanted this to be done as a family", I frown.

Family? She barely dating my dad for two months and she thinks she can be part of the family already, no way.

We walk into a store where there's a lot of trees decorations and lights. I see Gregory working, I say, "Hi Greg didn't know you worked here."

He smiles, "yeah well I wanted to make some money for the holidays, can I help you with something?"

I nod and hand him the list, his eyes widen. I can't understand why dad didn't just order it online, he has the money or even from the factory.

Greg says, "this might take a while, but we got everything, it's just a big order."

I say, "rich people love to order big, you'll get used to it", he nods.

Dad and Stacy go to get the groceries in Walmart and I came here for the decorations, I am in charge of that.

I hear Jordan's voice, he says, "Hi Anne, season greetings", I laugh because he and Jacob had on matching sweaters.

I take out a picture and ask, "what are you guys doing here?"

Jacob explains, "well someone forgot to order the star for the tree, so here we are and also to get a gift for mom another thing we forgot to do on our list, dad made for us."

When you're rich and want to order big, you forget a lot of important things.

Thirty minutes later

I am finally out of the store and the items are in the car.

Arlene says, "I still have to get Kyle's gift, what kind of girlfriend am I?"

I chuckle, "probably not a good one", she glares at me.

I see Brandon and Brenda after our dreadful breakup I stop see Brenda.

She's pulling Brandon into a doll store, this should be interesting. I forget I have to get a gift for my little cousin who's obsessed with dolls.

I sigh and go into the store, avoiding Brandon at all costs. I see an Elsa doll from Frozen, I pick up that and an Olaf one.

Brenda sees me, but no Brandon.

She shouts, "Ana!" Running to me and I hug her.

She says, "I miss you, where were you?"

Someone says, "Brenda, you shouldn't run off like that" I am about to answer.

It's Brandon, he watches me and I look away.

Brenda says, "I was just saying hey to Ana because I barely see her anymore."

Brandon looks at his phone and grabs her hand, he says, "let's go, Brenda, dad is here", not even glancing at me.

Not even once, but Brenda looks back and smiles at me.

I got the item to wrap up in gift paper and walk to the food court because I am hungry.

I see Nikki, Jack, and Brandon sitting and chatting by a table.

Stephanie is flirting with a guy and drinking her hot coffee.

Jordan says behind me, "come on Anne, Brandon wouldn't hurt you again, I wouldn't let him."

Jacob says, "or me because I'll seriously hurt him", cracking his knuckles.

We walk in and Jack stops talking looking at us, Nikki just frowns and Brandon clutches his fist watching Jordan. He had his hand around my waist, Jacob smirking behind us and Arlene is texting on her phone.

Maybe it's not that bad after all because I got friends who will always have my back no matter what.


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