Chapter 19- Good Going

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I walk into my geography class with Brandon, everyone starts to whisper and watch me.

I sit down in my seat next to Justin, he says, "you're the new gossip of the week."

I mumble, "good to know", then the teacher walks in.

Brandon sends me a smile and I smile back at him, Justin just texts on his phone.

I wonder who will be Kyle's new girlfriend of the week?


I go to the girl's washroom before heading to the cafeteria, I hear crying coming from one of the stalls, it's probably a fangirl of Jordan or Kyle crying over them.

I use the toilet and wash my hands, the girl comes out of the stall her eyes are puffy and red.

She washes her face and then watches the mirror bursting into tears again, she's the cheerleader that Kyle dated last week.

She says, "tell Kyle to meet at the janitor's closet in ten minutes would you?"

I nod, it's heartbreaking to see my kind crying.

I walk into the cafeteria and everyone goes well silent. I walk in line to get my lunch, all the cheerleaders glancing at me.

The boys are outside, Brandon is sitting with his friends, but his eyes are on me. I get my lunch and head outside just as two cheerleaders block my way.

One asks," and just where do you think you're going?"

I snap, "move before I do something I'll regret."

The next one says," getting confident, are we? Don't worry, you'll be going back where you came from soon enough."

Someone clears their throat behind them, it is Kyle, both girls are distracted.

I slip past them and go outside, Kyle starts to flirt with the one who spoke first, that's his next target.

He comes back outside and sits next to me.

I whisper," the girl you dated last week wants you to meet her in the janitor's closet now."

He sighs, but I can see some guilt in his eyes.

He says, "I'll be back guys", then gets up and go back inside.

Justin watches me and I shrug eating my lunch.


Kyle's POV

I have never been in love, I don't think girls will ever understand me, no one does except the boys and only Anne, who doesn't know about my family.

I walk out of the cafeteria and towards the janitor's closet, Arlene is the only girl who made me smile last week on our dates and really good in bed.

She has black hair and hazel eyes, and I think I like her, but afraid to be with her for more than a week.

I open the door and see a crying Arlene sitting on the floor. She looks up at me and forces a smile, I feel bad for breaking off things with her.

I say, "come here lene", she stands up and I hug her.

I say, "I'm so f*cking sorry I hurt you, I was having confusing emotions and didn't know what to do."

I look into her eyes and she blushes, she's so cute.

I whisper, "I like you a lot lene, but I was afraid you would reject me."

She shakes her head and says, "I like you too a lot, please don't break up with me again."

I reply, "that's a mistake I am not doing again."

I start to kiss her and close the door locking it, I put my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She runs her hand through my hair, then I start to kiss her neck, she moans my name and starts taking off my jacket.

And you all know where that is going.


Anastasia's POV

I am finish eat my lunch and still no Kyle, Jordan ate his lunch as soon as he left. Brandon comes over he sits next to me glancing at Justin who just frowns and looks at his phone.

Brandon says, "our date is on Wednesday, we'll be going to a restaurant", I nod.

Justin says, "I hope you have enough money, what am I saying you have enough, just not more than me."

He's bragging.

I roll my eyes and say, "actually I am the richest, my dad owns two big businesses, remember?"

Justin frowns.

Jacob says, "good going, someone had to put him in his place."

I smirk.

Brandon asks, "where's Kyle?"

"Checking on his girlfriend", I smile.

The boys watch me with confusion and I point behind them, they turn around and see Kyle and the cheerleader holding hands smiling happily.

Carlos says, "it's about time he settles down."

I ask, "what about you?"

He chuckles, "I want college girls not these sluts here."

I nod understandably.

Jacob adds, "same here."

Luke adds, "me too."

Jordan says, "bullsh*t, I can get any girl I want and stay with them for a month."

Justin smirks, "yeah right, you barely could last a week with one, much less a month."

Kyle says, "Hi guys, meet my new girlfriend Arlene, Arlene meet, Justin, Carlos, Luke, Jacob, Jordan, Anne and-", he frowns, then asks, "what's he doing here?"

Jordan says, "that's what I was now going to ask", glancing at Brandon, who stiffened.

He says, "well am going, I can see am not wanted here", he gets up and leaves.

I am about to go after him, but Carlos stops me.

Kyle sits in his seat and Arlene next to him.

She says, "Hi Anne, you're really cool, I don't understand why Stephanie doesn't like you."

I suggest, "we can be friends", she nods and Kyle squeezes her hand, she smiles.

The bell rings, I have Chemistry with Carlos, so I drag him with me.

Brandon watches me and frowns and Carlos just winks at him, his ears turn red.

I whisper, "stop it, Carl, let's just go."

As we walk away, I look back and smile at Brandon, I mouthed, 'I'll text you when I am in class', he just nods.


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