Chapter 54- New Years Party - Part 2

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The party is going smoothly, most of the adults are talking to each other and my dad while Stacy hangs off his arm.

I avoid Nikki and Brandon most of the time but hang around Brenda, then Justin introduced his little cousin Jerry to her and they became friends immediately.

Jack ditched me earlier, which I am thankful for because he wasn't a good date anyway, only flirting with girls.

I am sitting by a table watching people dance and talk, Kyle and Arlene are dancing, so are Luke and Gabriella both of them are so in love.

Justin finally gets away from that girl who tried to flirt with him all night, let's just say Jordan would keep her busy.

Justin says, "Hi Anne, I see that Jack ditch you, he wasn't a good date anyway, do you wanna dance?"

I confess, "I only did it to make Brandon jealous", pointing at Brandon who is now eating at the buffet table, and Nikki talking to Stephanie.

He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

After dancing to two songs, Justin's dad walks up to us, he says, "I wish you two would be together, our families are close", I blush.

Justin says, "we are already friends dad and she's still getting over her heartbreak."

Justin's dad puts up his hand in surrender, then Jessica comes to his side.

She says, "Hi Anne, I really want to say you deserve someone better than your jerk ex-boyfriend", she smiles at me.

I brought my camera with me, so the guys and I will take out pictures when the clock strikes twelve.






"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" Everyone shouts, couples kiss and the guys and I take out pictures then watch the fireworks.

Justin hugs me, "happy new year Anne and I have a feeling this year would be great."

It will be, we're going to graduate bitches.

Brandon and Nikki are hugging each other and watching the fireworks, her head on Brandon's shoulder.

Greg states, "don't worry you'll get over it, eventually."

I hope so.

Jacob says, "it's new a year Anne, your new year resolution is to get over your ex-boyfriend, go to prom and learn to skateboard."

I say, "actually I am the one who has to make my own resolution."

Jacob pouts, "what's the fun in that? You wouldn't want to go to prom anyway."

I say, "why? It's not like I am going to be prom queen anyway."

After the party, we go home.

Dad kisses my forehead, "happy new year Anne, may this year be wonderful", I nod.

I go to my room and take off the dress and take a bath, maybe this year would be fun.


Today is my first day back to school, unfortunately for me, I am stuck home with Freddie who is back from Miami. I text my friends and make sure that they bring all the work for me during the evening.

I wake up and stay in my room for most of the morning in my pajamas. I watch movies on Netflix and Freddie brought up my breakfast and lunch for me.

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