Chapter 11- She Thinks Dad Is Cheating On Her

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Chapter 11- She thinks dad is cheating on her.

After school I went into the parking lot with the guys, Jordan is leaving with his victim, Jacob gets into the passenger seat and I get into the driver's seat.

When I reverse, Jacob says, "let's stop at Burger King for something to eat, I'll text Justin", I nod.

I pull up in burger King drive-thru, Jacob says to the cashier, "I want two double cheeseburgers, two large portions of fries, and two large drinks please."

A few minutes later we get our order and Jacob pays.

When I pull up in front of Justin's house, there are two vehicles instead of one.

Jacob says, "I am going home take your burger and see you tomorrow at school", he ditches me at the last minute.

I sigh as I get out of the car taking my food with me, Justin comes out his own and his lips look red.

He says, "my dad's home and he isn't the nicest person around", we walk to the door together.

Justin opens it and we walk inside, I hear Jessica's mouth coming from the kitchen.

I walk in and she's arguing with her husband," this has gone too far Bill, I thought you told me yesterday you would have been home this morning!"

Bill just sighs and rubs behind his neck, he has blonde hair and silver eyes. He says, "I was busy, Jess please understand that."

Justin interrupts, "mom, Ana is here."

Bill says, "so Mr. Montez is your father? I can see your mother's features in you."

I nod.

Jessica says, "let's go out in the back Anne", she takes my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen.

She looks sad and worried.

I ask, "are you okay?"

She says, "not really, Bill just doesn't come home often that's all and your mother used to be my good friend, that's how Bill recognizes you."

I ask, "do you remember Justin having a friend named Brandon?"

She stiffed, "yeah, he was a nice kid then his family had problems and he stopped being Justin's friends, why you ask, do you like him?"

I blush and look away.

She says,"it's okay, he's a nice guy who doesn't sleep around with girls, I think both of you will become good friends."

Me too.

We sit down by the pool and I take out my burger to eat.

Jessica says, "Justin told me you are going to visit your mother on Saturday, do you mind if I come instead of Justin?"

I nod.

Justin comes outside with a textbook and notebook, didn't know bad boys do his homework.

I tease, "bad boy doing his homework, I am so surprised."

Justin roll his eyes and says, "well I want to go to college you know."

Jessica says, "well then, I am going back inside now", she gets up and walk back inside.

Justin sighs, "she's just stressed out, she thinks dad is cheating on her, but he assures me he isn't"

I ask, "did he ever do it in the past?"

"Yeah, I was born in June and his other son in July, he had an affair with another woman while he was with my mother, we didn't find out till I was in 8th grade. All those years he'll hardly be home until one day the woman he had an affair with told my mother, there was a huge fight and it was during when Brandon was my close friend. We found out that it was Brandon who was his other son, my mother, and father separated for a couple of months, my dad also stopped speaking to Brandon's mom and him shutting them out of his life forever", he explains.

I am quiet, so Brandon is Justin's stepbrother?

I say, "well if he isn't talking to them that doesn't mean you have to stop talk to Brandon."

Justin says, "is only you and Carlos knows about this no one else and Brandon doesn't want to talk to me, we didn't talk in four years".

I sigh, if it's one thing I know, it's family, my dad forgave my mom.

I ask," so where does Brandon live with his mother?"

He says, "a couple of blocks from here and they have moved on, he has a stepfather who treats him good and a little sister."

I didn't say anything.

I reply, "I am sure he'll come around Just, give it time, when my mom was sent to jail it took also a year before my dad forgave her and I just forgave her just last year."

He says, "I know my dad loves his both sons, but I am his favorite."

I chuckle.


I leave around 5:00 pm, as I drive to go home, I pass in the street Brandon lives in.

All the houses are two stories, I hope I get to talk to Brandon soon.

When I got home, dad isn't there he had a late meeting and is flying out to go to Hong Kong where his next business is on Friday evening, so no dad till next week Saturday.

I order pizza for dinner, bathe and put on sweatpants and a V-neck top.

The doorbell rings and I open it, the delivery guy is Brandon, he smiles at me.

He says,"$10.00", I hand it to him and get my pizza.

Before he leaves, I say, "wanna stay and help me eat my pizza?"

He nods, "sure, my name is Brandon by the way."

I reply, "my name is Anastasia, but you can call me Ana or Anne."

He walks in and I close the door.

"Wow I didn't know the nerd is living the rich life, well that will explain the BMW and the motorcycle", he states.

I chuckle and we walk into the living room, there are pictures framed on the wall, some with me, me, and my mom or dad or all of us right.

Brandon says, "no way Mr. Montez is your father? The big technology business owner in Hong Kong and here?"

I nod.

We open the box of pizza after taking a seat on the couch.

Brandon put on the TV and went on Netflix.

"Let's watch fast and the furious 7", he suggests.

Brandon has his father's hair and maybe his mother's eyes, but I can see a little of Justin's face in him.


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