Chapter 39- Do You Want To Hangout At My House? - Part 2

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Anastasia's POV

Brandon would be busy and so will be Arlene, so it's just me and my boys. I tell Freddie to make some cookies and pizza for us.

I went and take a nap for my headache while I wait for the boys to come. I hear knocking on my bedroom door and I wake up, Freddie says, "there are six gentlemen downstairs for you Anastasia."

I reply, "tell them I'll be down in a sec."

I put on my bikini and grab my phone, leaving the bedroom.

Jordan asks, "do you like my gift Anne?"

I nod, "but Greg's own was the best, free pizza for the rest of the year", Justin rolls his eyes.

We walk out in the back by the pool.

Jacob asks, "where's lover boy?"

I explain, "in school, his mother woke him up", he nods.

Freddie brings out the homemade pizza for us with sodas.

I ask him to bring my iPod and camera from my room. I listen to music while playing games on it.

The boys are fooling around near the pool and someone got pushed into it. I look up to see it is Justin soaking wet, he is glaring at Jordan.

Jacob says, "run."

He does just as Justin starts to chase after him.

I laugh and shake my head, boys always will be boys, I eat my pizza and drink my soda.

Luke sits next to me, he takes out his new iPod and goes on Instagram.


I got a text from Brandon after 2 pm

Brady: Just walk out of school, I am going to the beach, do you want to come?

Me: Who will be going?

Brandy: My friends and Stephanie with Jackie and Nikki

Me: I'll pass, I am actually hanging out with the boys right now at home, you should come

Brandy: I really want to hang out at the beach so I'll see you tomorrow at school

Me: Fine choose your friends over me

Brandy: But that's what you are doing

Me: Well at least I have an excuse because you're going to hang out with my enemies, what's your excuse?

Brandy: My excuse is I wanting to hang out with my buddies

Me: Yeah and Nikki also

Brandy: Nothing is going on between us Ana

Me: Oh really then why weren't you in class the morning Nikki pull you away from me?

Brandy: We had biology

Me: Wow biology, when you had geography, how can you do two subjects at once?

Brandy: I don't want us to be fighting Ana

Me: You started it, you just 'have to hang out with your buddies' not to mention my enemies are going to be there

Brandy: Stop being so selfish Ana, anyway I'll see you tomorrow

I sigh and put away my phone, I can't deal with this kind of stress.

Justin says, "trouble in paradise?"

I sigh, "Brandon is just being a jerk that's all."

Justin retorts, "I don't trust Nikki one bit around him."

I too.

I dive into the pool and swim around then float in the water. Someone did a cannonball breaking my concentration, I groan.

It is Carlos who did the cannonball, I say, "you just had to be the idiot to ruin my relaxation, huh?"

He smirks and nods, I roll my eyes then swim to the stairs of the pool and getting out.


Brandon's POV

After Ana and I argue, Jack drops me home, he says, "see you in an hour."

I open the front door and walk inside, mom is in the kitchen helping Brenda with her homework.

I sigh.

"I know something is bothering you, start talking", she states.

I watch Brenda and says, "I want to do it privately."

Mom turns to Brenda, "Brenda, darling, why don't you go to your room as watch any movie you like?"

She smiles and leaves quickly without even greeting me.

I sit down and mom says, "spill", then I begin to tell her about Ana and I argument.

She says, "this is all part of the relationship, there is always fighting, nothing is perfect", I nod.

I ask, "what to do mom? I'm lost."

She says, "surprise her, she wouldn't know what hit her", I nod.

I go to my room to change into swim pants and a jersey, I think I'll carry Brenda with me, she barely goes anyway.

I knock on her door and open it, she's watching a movie on her tablet; she is singing a song from the movie, no one gets between her and her movies, so I close back the door.

I grab my keys and leave, "mom, I'm going to the beach, okay?"

She says, "be careful and don't do anything stupid."

I reply, "I wouldn't."

When I reach the beach, I spot my friends and the girls by our favorite spot. Nikki had on a red bikini, Jackie had on a black, and Stephanie a pink with white stripes.

I walk to them and Nikki smiles at me and says, "yay, we're all here."

I have a dark secret that not even my best friend knows. Nikki and I secretly dated in freshman year behind our friend's back, but then she wanted to have s** and I wasn't ready.

She broke up with me and turned into a slut, I really liked her and it took me two years to get over her, and then Ana came into my life. I promise not to hurt Ana, but I don't know if I can promise that if Nikki is around me all the time.

Nikki grabs my hand, dragging me over to the bar. She demands, "I want a smoothie."

I say, "ask Jack or Blake, I don't have any money", she sighs.

I don't spend money on girls, I am glad I don't have to on Ana because her dad is loaded.


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