Chapter 60- Best Prom Night - Part 1

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Anastasia's POV

Today is prom and my dress arrive yesterday evening. Justin asked me to prom last night, it was so romantic.


"Anne there's someone outside to see you", Stacy says when I am watching a movie in the theater room.

I sigh and get up, pausing the movie.

When I open the front door I gasp Justin standing is there with a big poster, it read, 'go to prom with me, I am not taking no for an answer.'

I laugh and nod, "of course, I would love to go."

He smiles then hands me the bouquet of flowers and a kiss on the cheek.

I closed back the door and Stacy grins, "finally someone asked you to go."

- end of flashback -

I wake up around 10:00 am and watch movies until noon, Stacy walks in, "get up Anastasia, the prom is in seven hours."

Well, I have plenty of time to kill.

I roll my eyes, "I have plenty of time to kill."

She shakes her head, "no you have to do your nails, toes, and hair that'll take three hours, then soak in the tub."

I sigh, "fine, I'll be out of my room in a few minutes and go to the hot tub room."

She nods.

Arlene texts me.

Best girlfriend: I am coming over in one hour so we can get ready together

Me: Bring your bikini, we'll be soaking in the hot tub for a while

Best girlfriend: Cool and do you mind if Gabriella comes

Me: Not at all

One hour later

The doorbell rings and I open it, there standing Arlene and Gabriella.

I let them in and suggest, "let's go to the hot tub room."

Gabriella gasps, "no way."

We take off our clothes and remain in our bikinis then get in the hot tub.

I say, "now this is relaxing, I wish we can stay here the whole evening."

Arlene sighs, "me too, maybe tomorrow we can have a sleepover?"

I nod, "it's a plan."

After we finish soaking, gossiping, and laughing, we eat lunch.

Stacy asks, "who wants to go first to do their nails?"

Arlene puts up her hand, while she did her nails with Stacy, Gabriella did mine.

We spend the next hour doing our nails.

I whine, "why do we have to take long to get ready for prom? I should have known so I don't have to go at all", the others chuckle at my misery.

A few hours later

I am wearing my long baby blue dress, it's strapless with my silver heels. My hair is loose with curls at the end and light makeup with red lipstick.

Arlene is wearing a strapless red dress, it's short with her matching heels, her hair is in a high bun with long red earrings and light makeup.

Gabrielle is wearing a long gold dress with straps and her back open and her gold heels; her hair is in a low side one and with some makeup.

Stacy says, "come take a picture girls, the guys would be here soon", we all get together and Stacy takes out a few pictures.

The doorbell rings and Stacy open it, there standing are Kyle, Luke, and Justin, all in tuxedos, and the ties match our dresses.

Stacy says, "one more picture together guys, then you can leave."

Gabriella mumbles, "thank goodness, my feet are killing me."

I chuckle.

Justin pulls me close to him and puts his hand around my waist.

He whispers, "you look beautiful, love the dress", I blush.

We leave and I take my hand purse and camera just in case.


We arrive at school and it looks great, decorations are on the outside walls. I know I should bring my jacket with me, it will make a chilly later.

The gym looks amazing, with lovely decorations and the disco ball high in the ceiling.

I see my other friends with their dates, Justin says, "let's go get a picture together Anne", pointing at the photo booth, I nod.

We take out three pictures in different poses, then the others come with their dates.

Jordan and Stephanie are arguing, so he grabs a random girl's hand and drags her with him to the booth.

The photographer says, "okay guys, say prom."


After the photo booth, Justin goes to get a punch for me.

Greg says, "Hi Anne, you look wonderful, this is my date Jael", putting his hand around her waist.

She has chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes, she smiles, "hey."

I smile, "Hi, nice to meet you."

She nods.

When Justin comes back, he and Greg talk while I look around.

The teachers are making sure no one tries anything funny.

Jack and his date are dancing, Ian is talking to someone and Austin is flirting with a girl, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

What can go wrong?

Do you guys know when you say what can go wrong? Something always does? Well, that's happening now.

I turn around and see Brandon and Isabella, the girl from the restaurant from my date with Brandon just walk in.

I roll my eyes, Stephanie looks surprised as well because her mouth falls open.

Jacob asks, "I thought it was only teens allow in the prom, where did Brandon found her?"

I say, "at a hoe house or the streets, of course, just look at the way she dresses even Stephanie can't top that."

Jacob chuckles.


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