Chapter 20- She Has Swimming Practice?

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After school, I head to the parking lot and meet Brandon.

He suggests, "let's hang at my house for a while, I want you to meet my mom and sister."

I watch the guys as they come out of the school.

Justin watches me.

"I am going to Brandon's places, I'll see you guys later", I wave then I got on my motorcycle and Brandon got in his vehicle, I put on my helmet.

When I pull up in front of Brandon's house, there is a vehicle there. Brandon pulls up after and says, "my mom is home, let's go in."

He opens the front door and we go into the kitchen, there standing is a slim woman in her late thirties, has dark brown hair and brown eyes like Brandon.

She smiles and says, "Brand, you're home and you bought Ana, it's nice to meet you, Ana."

I say, "nice to meet you too, Mrs............ "

She says, "call me Kateline", she asks, "who's your mother and father dear?"

I freeze then say," Mr. Alvin Montez and Gloria Montez."

She gasps, I watch her with confusion.

She says, "your mother who is the one that killed my best friend four years ago."

She's accusing my mother although it's true.

Brandon asks, "mom where is Brenda?"

She says, "in her room", then glances at me and goes back to what she's doing.

We go up the stairs, Brandon says, "I am sorry about my mother, she just misses her best friend that's all."

We go to the opposite side of where Brandon's room is, then stop in front of a door with pink stickers on it.

He opens the door and we walk in, the room is pink all over, pink walls, posters, and the bed have pink sheets on it.

There's a girl about six years old is on the bed playing with barbie dolls, she has dark brown hair like Kateline's, there's a lot of stuffed animals on her bed.

Brandon says, "hi Bre", she looks up and she smiles, her eyes are dark blue.

She screams, "Brandon!", coming off her bed and running to Brandon who grabs her.

She asks pointing at me, "who's she?"

I smile, "hi there, I am Ana nice to meet you", she smiles.

Brandon puts her down and says, "I am going in my room Bre, get ready you have swimming practice in twenty minutes."

Does she have swimming practice and with Brandon too?

She says, "I want Ana to help me get ready, please", he nods leaving the room closing the door.

She says, "I want my Elsa bathing suit", I nod and open her closet, looking for it. I found it in three minutes and Brenda takes off her clothes and put on the bathing suit.

We play dollhouse till Brandon is ready for Brenda, I got her two small floaters for her arms. Kateline is in the living room watching TV, I walk outside with Brandon and Brenda.

I sit under an umbrella and watch as Brandon takes Brenda's hand pulling her into the pool, which is three feet on this side. Brenda looks confident, she giggles and splashes water in Brandon's face.

Brandon says, "swim and show Ana, how good you are", she starts to do doggy paddles in the water.

I laugh and clap my hands, giving her encouragement, this swimming practice continues for the next forty-five minutes or so.

Kateline takes Brenda inside to shower and change.

Brandon sits next to me and says, "next time, both of us can have swimming practice with Bre", I nod.

I watch the time it's 3:30 pm, I wonder what the boys are doing?


Justin's POV:

After Anne leaves, I went home with Carlos and Jacob. My mom isn't home, but my dad is.

He says, "Hi Justin, can I talk to you buddy in private?"

My two best friends go to the living room.

I walk with my dad to his office, he says, "I been thinking and I want you to run the business when you're graduate business college."

I sigh, not this again.

I reply, "Dad, I don't want to run the business, I want to be an engineer."

He sighs and says, "I understand, but there's a new year's eve party and I want you to attend."

I say, "fine, but I want my friends to come."

Dad replies, "I'll put them on the list."

I leave his office and head to the living room, I really need a girlfriend.

Jacob says, "Hi Justin, why so down?"

I shrug, I leave the house and get in my car, I drive to Anna's house. I wonder if she's home yet? I knock on the door and someone opens it.

It is Trina, the blonde from last year, she asks, "how may I help you handsome?"

I ask," is Anne here?", she shakes her head.

Someone from the inside asks, "who is it, Tri?"

She says, "just some guy asking for Anne", closing the door in my face.


I leave and drive to a club, after showing the bouncer my fake ID, I walk in. Music is playing and drunk people are grinding on each other, not many people here are around my age.

I take a few drinks and a blonde with green eyes walks up to me. She's wearing a short skirt and a top where you don't have to wear a bra, she's a few years older than me.

She flirts, "hi handsome, you look lonely, do you wanna have some fun?"

I take a mouthful of my drink, then nod. We walk upstairs to where there are available rooms, luckily we got one.

I always have protection on me just for emergencies, the blonde and I make out, then we strip each other's clothing.

You know what happened next.


Four Hours later

When I got home, my mom and dad are there. The boys text me two hours ago saying that they were leaving.

My mom says, "so Justin where have you been? Ana came looking for you earlier."

She did? Of course you idiot, she's your friend. I mentally slap myself, I am an idiot.

I shrug, "I was out mom, I came back in one piece."

Dad says, "I hope you use protection son, I am not ready to become a grandfather."

Mom slaps him and scowls, "don't give him any ideas, what kind of advice is that?"

My dad gives her the 'what look.'

I say, "mom, I am not innocent, I do hear you and dad, why didn't I have a soundproof room?"

Mom blushes and dad just glance at me, then he whispers to my mom, who turns red.


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