Chapter 26- Who's There?!

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Justin's POV

I am hanging out by the twin house, with Kyle and Carlos. It's 6:45 pm.

I say, "I am bored let's go do something."

Jordan suggests, "let's follow Anne, she has a date tonight with Brandon remember?"

I smirk, "how about we go to a party and then hang out at a random park?"

Kyle shrugs, "sounds good to me, I'll text Arlene and tell her I am not coming over by her again".

I respond, "you don't have to come with us, stay with her, her parents are not home."

Kyle gets up and leaves immediately with that.

The other guys laugh.

Jordan says, "I am going and change, I'll meet you guys downstairs in ten minutes."

We all leave the game room and went down the stairs into the living room.

Carlos says, "I'm so glad Anne is our friend."

"Me too, but she got a bone to pick with Jordan, I don't really know why", I reply, which is true.

After the game of truth and dare, she left after Jordan asked her something, but that hangover messed up my memories.

Carlos sits down on the couch and went on his phone.

I ask, "so what's your girlfriend's name?"

He replies, "Natalie, she's a junior and is very nice, also on the cheerleader squad at her school and she has a friend, who's a senior that wants to meet you."

I say, "Nah I am good, I got enough cheerleaders in my life."


After the party

We reach the park five minutes ago drinking some beers. A car just pull up by the next side of the road, but it is to dark to see anything.

Jordan says,"hi Justin you got to see this, we are getting a free show", I laugh and shake my head.

We sneak to the nearest bushes and watch, the couple is making out, then Jordan and Carlos are laughing.

The couple stops making out watching the bushes, the guy gets up and takes out something that looks like his phone then puts on the flashlight. Oh shit.

Jordan panics, "abort the mission, repeat abort mission", all of us scramble and run in different directions.

The person shouts, "who's there?!"

I dive behind a bench.

The person sounds like Brandon, then I heard a familiar voice, "who's there Brandy".

Brandy? Only one person calls Brandon that, Ana. Uh oh, we're in trouble.


Anastasia's POV

We stop make out and Brandon takes out his phone and put on his flashlight walking towards the bushes.

He shouts, "who's there?!"

I see some dark figures running.

I ask, "who's there Brandy?"

He shrugs, then starts walking around the area, I see a car looking just like Justin's own and Jordan's motorcycle.

Brandon looks behind a tree and says, "well well well look what the cat just drop in", pulling the person out.

It's Jordan, he says,"let go of me, jock", punching Brandon in his shoulder.

I cross my arms and demand,"why are you here Jordan?"

He whistles and shoves his hands in his pockets.

He shouts,"guys come out! Justin, you have to explain to Anne, why we are here."

Justin is here?

The next three persons come out in different directions.

Justin says, "Hi Anne, didn't know you were here".

I snap, "cut with the innocent act Justin."

He sighs and says,"well we went to a party then come here and Jordan see you and lover boy making out."

I blush.

I say,"Jordan I need to speak to you alone privately."

He nods and we walk away from the guys, I ask, "did you remember anything what happened at the party?"

He scratches his head and shrugs,"I only remember drinking, then it was a blur."

I shake my head, "well we played truth or dare then you asked me if I was a virgin and I said yes and that girl who likes to flirt with Brandon called me a loser and I left."

He looks guilty, he says,"I'm sorry Anne, I didn't mean to embarrass you", then he hugs me tightly.

I look into his eyes and they are light blue, he gives me a shy smile.

I say,"let's get back before Brandon comes looking for us and have to kill you", he chuckles and slightly punches me.

When we get back, Justin and Brandon are talking by a tree, Jacob and Carlos are texting on their phones.

I announce,"we are back guys", then I check the time, 9:45 pm, shot my house is like fifteen minutes from here.

I say, "Brandy, we need to go now, I can't sleep outside tonight, who knows if rain would fall."

Brandon says, "let Jordan drop you home, I'll see you tomorrow at school, Justin and I are in an important meeting."

I roll my eyes.

Jordan smirks, "let's go babe", dragging me to the motorcycle.

I turn my head and Jacob is watching us with confusion.

He says, "remember to use protection Jordan, I am not ready to become an uncle."

What? I am not going to have s** with him.

Jordan smirks and says,"don't worry bro, we are going to her house", I roll my eyes.

Brandon just glares at Jacob and Justin is trying to calm him down. I get on the motorcycle and wrap my arms around his waist, then he speeds off into the night.


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