Chapter 50- She Totally Deserve It

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I wake up at 7:00 am and take off my alarm, I can't wait to see the look on Brandon's face when he sees his car. I laugh just thinking about it.

I put on a high waist skirt and crop top, black boots, and light make-up. I leave my hair out and put a bow in it, then grab my things and leave the room, I walk down the stairs and see Stacy.

What's she doing here?

She says, "oh Anastasia, I heard what happened during the party, are you alright?"

I roll my eyes, I wonder who told her surely not my father.

I say sarcastically, "everything is great Stacy", she smiles.

My dad comes out of the kitchen, "you're up, I thought you weren't going to school?"

I answer, "I got exams dad, and where's Freddie? I want some of his delicious pancakes."

My dad says, "he's off for the morning, so I'll be making breakfast."

Uh oh, I get my umbrella from the hereby basket, Stacy says, "I smell something burning."

The alarm went off and I open the umbrella, my dad runs into the kitchen.

I say to Stacy, "if you want to eat something healthy, you better leave now."

Dad calls, "Hi guys, some isn't burn.".

I shout, "sorry dad, but I got school bye!"

Stacy says, "and I am allergic to the kind of food you cook, sorry to mention that", then she leaves quickly also.


When I arrive at school, everyone is talking and watching my vehicle, thank goodness the guys are waiting for me.

I got out and people start to whisper.

"They broke up."

"Brandon cheated on her because she didn't want to have s** with him."

"Nikki's baby father is Brandon."

I fold my fist, Jordan says, "ignore them and keep walking", I nod.

Then a certain vehicle catches my attention and people start laughing. We turn around and see Brandon's car, spray paint in red and black. Arlene laughs and takes out pictures, I bump fist with Justin, I whisper, "revenge is sweet."

Carlos shouts, "Hi Brandon! Nice car, love the new paint job", I smirk.

Brandon stares at me and his eyes soften and I recognize pain in it, I look away.

Nikki walks over to him and starts kissing him, but he pushes her away.

I say, "let's go inside guys before I puke."

I see Gregory, he says, "Hi guys, great party Friday", I wonder what happened to him?

Greg adds, "I heard rumors that Brandon is the father also you and him are over.r."

I nod.

I confirm," it's true Greg, now I need to be alone."

I walk to my locker to see Stephanie there already with two cheerleaders.

I open my locker ignoring them, she says, "hi nerd, I heard that you and lover boy broke up, I told you to do so long time, but you didn't lis-", she is cut off by I slapping her.

Everyone gasps.

She shrieks, "you bitch!" Jumping on me.

She starts pulling my hair and I slam her into the lockers and she let go of my hair falling to the floor. I say, "here's another black eye, consider it as a gift", then I punch her in the face.

I take karate since I was six years old.

She starts screaming, "someone gets her off me!!!"

I stand up and start kicking her in the stomach and I hear a crack then she knocks out.

Someone shouts, "enough! What's happening here?"

It's the vice principal, she gasps when she sees Stephanie on the floor unconscious and I standing over her.

She says, "someone call the ambulance, you come with me."

A guy whispers, "oh you're in deep shit nerd, good luck you're gonna need it."

I walk to the office with the vice principal, she says, "go in", then leaves.

The principal says, "yes sit down Ms. Montez, you're in a lot of trouble young lady", I roll my eyes.

He continues, "for violence according to witness, you beat the head cheerleader and left her with broken ribs", serves her right, she should have kept her trap shut for once.

Mr. Johnson says, "I'll call your father and let him know what happened and you're suspected for three weeks when school opens after the Christmas break, you're free to go."

Stupid school, stupid headmaster, stupid cheerleaders.

I walk into my geography class and hand the teacher my late pass.

I sit down in my seat ignoring all the stares, Luke whispers, "what did the principal do?"

I reply in a whisper, "three weeks suspension when school reopens after the holidays."

He says, "wow."

I shrug, "it could have been worse", then the teacher hand out our test paper.

I catch Brandon staring at me, I frown.

I can't wait to see my results on this test, I believe I will pass.


The only this going around is the fight, Brandon, Nikki, and I.

Arlene says, "seriously no one has anything better to talk about?"

I shrug, "probably not."

Nikki is just flirting with Brandon and trying to kiss him.

Jordan shouts, "Hi Juliet, Romeo isn't interested in sluts!"

Everyone laughs.

I say, "thanks."

Jordan replies, "I didn't do that for you, she was making me lose my appetite and I'm hungry."

I say, "hello hungry, I am Ana, nice to meet you."

Jordan says sarcastically, "haha very funny."


When I reach home, I know I am done, I open the front door and my dad says, "Anne, you're grounded for two weeks, no TV or phone."

I groan.

My dad laughs, "I am kidding, I always wanted you to get in trouble, even Ms. Goody two shoes can make mistakes."

I frown, "so I am not grounded?".

My dad says, "Nah I know that girl bullied you for years, she totally deserves it."

I laugh and ask, "where's Stacy?"

He says, "she is gone to the hospital to check on her daughter."

Daughter? Oh no, Stephanie is her daughter?


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